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New Proposal Submission


CRN proposals develop in a couple of ways: 1) an investigator completes the Web Inquiry Form which is processed at the CRN PI Office, or 2) an investigator(s) at a CRN site develops a proposal. Once the proposal is drafted, investigators submit a concept proposal to the CRN New Proposals Committee. This Committee is comprised of scientists and program staff representing multiple CRN sites and the National Cancer Institute. The New Proposals Committee reviews all new CRN proposals using six criteria:

  1. Is the study feasible within the CRN?
  2. Is the research consistent with CRN aims?
  3. Does the project overlap with other current or pending CRN studies?
  4. Are the study methods within the scope and experience of the CRN?
  5. Are multiple sites beneficial or useful to address the study question?
  6. Is the timeframe for submitting a full proposal adequate?

If desired, the New Proposals Committee members can also provide advisory feedback about the scientific design and proposed methods. This is offered as an option.


  1. Prepare a Brief Concept Proposal using the format below.
  2. Complete the New Proposals Submission Form (RTF).
  3. Send the Brief Concept Proposal & Submission Form to the CRN PI Office.

Brief Concept Proposal Format

  1. Background/Significance (½ - 1 page).
  2. Specific Aims (½ page).
  3. Design and Methods (1 - 3 pages):
    • overview;
    • study subjects;
    • data collection;
    • analysis plan; and
    • sample size / power (any information is helpful here, though the Committee realizes that this aspect of the study may not be fully developed at the time a concept proposal is prepared).
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