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Abnormal Interpretations for 2,264,089 Screening Mammography Examinations from 2002 - 2006 --- based on BCSC data as of 2009

You are viewing the 2009 collection of this data. Data from other times are also available:
  All Screening Examinations
Recall rate* 10.0%
Abnormal initial interpretations 225,612
All examinations 2,264,089
PPV1 4.1%
Cancers 9,252
Abnormal initial interpretations 225,612
PPV2 23.6%
Cancers 7,033
Abnormal final interpretations 29,802
PPV3§ 28.9%
Cancers 6,216
Abnormal final interpretations, with known biopsy 21,483


Numbers are frequencies unless otherwise indicated.

* Recall rate = the percentage of examinations with an abnormal initial interpretation (BI-RADS category 4, 5, or 0 -- category 3 with a recommendation for immediate follow-up was recoded as 0).

PPV1 = the percentage of examinations with an abnormal initial interpretation that result in a tissue diagnosis of cancer within 1 year.

PPV2 = The percentage of examinations with an abnormal final interpretation** that result in a tissue diagnosis of cancer within 1 year.

§ PPV3 = the percentage of examinations with an abnormal final interpretation**, where it is known that a biopsy was performed as a result of the abnormal diagnostic examination, that result in a tissue diagnosis of cancer within 1 year.

** Abnormal final interpretation = BI-RADS category 4 or 5 -- categories 0 and 3 with a recommendation for biopsy were recoded as 4.

Table numbers last updated December 27, 2009. The following source must be cited when reproducing this table: NCI-funded Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium co-operative agreement (U01CA63740, U01CA86076, U01CA86082, U01CA63736, U01CA70013, U01CA69976, U01CA63731, U01CA70040). Downloaded xx/xx/xxxx from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Web site - .

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Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences