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NORTHCOM - Operational Contract Support


Contract Support(OCS) is the process of planning for and obtaining supplies, services and construction for commercial sources in support of joint operations along with associated contractor personnel management functions(JP4-10). OCS is composed of two key sub-capabilities: Contract Support Integration(CSI) and Contractor Management(CM). The intent of this site is to provide geographic combatant command specific guidance and information that must be considered when soliciting or awarding a contract for performance in or delivery to this Combatant Command theatre of operations. Higher level OCS guidance can be found on the DPAP OCS site
Internal OCS Site (Account Registration Required)
  • Points of Contact (Account Registration Required)
  • Guidance for Contracting Officers (Account Registration Required)
  • Guidance for Contracting Officer's Representatives(CORs)(Account Registration Required)
  • Guidance for Requiring Activities (Account Registration Required)
  • Contractor Personnel Guidance
  • Contractor Training/Processing/Travel
  • Theatre Entrance Requirements
  • Contractor Living Considerations