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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Solid Waste

Base Solid Waste Compliance Manager
(808) 257-6920 x231

Base Motor Transportation Department
(808) 257-2607 Ext. 233

Base Recycling Center Manager
(808) 257-4300

Hazardous Waste Manager
(808) 257-9913 ext 27

Base Property
(808) 257-2885/2236


MCBH has one of only two landfills on the island of O’ahu. It is a convenient resource for our Marines and Sailors and saves the base almost $1M/year.   The following waste management procedures were established to assure compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations, and to maximize the life of the MCBH landfill.


NOT ALLOWED IN DUMPSTERS: Base Order 5500.15B states that the following is not allowed in our dumpster. If any of the following items are found in a dumpster, it will not be emptied until the items are removed.

Recyclables -- Base Order 4500.2 supported by Federal and State Law and executive orders requires all units and activities to participate in the base Qualified Recycling Program. Except for the automated cardboard bins and trailers, all recyclables collected at each unit must be brought to the base recycling center bldg. 132. To maximize cardboard bin space, all cardboard must be flattened prior to placing into cardboard bins.

Take to the Recycling Center:

  • Computer and White Paper
  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Glass and Plastic Bottles
  • Metals

Regularly scheduled assisted pick up is available for barracks that request pick up of recyclables. Units must provide a working party to assist the Recycling Center with sorting and loading recyclables for transport. To request assisted pickup contact the Recycling Center (257-4300).

  • Wood -- Separate the unusable wood (painted, treated and damaged) from usable wood. Usable wood and pallets will be left at the Recycling Center. Units with unusable wood will be issued a landfill pass where the wood is chipped for reuse. Unusable wood must be less than 8 ft. with all heavy metal removed before a landfill pass is issued from the Recycling Center.
  • Metal -- All non-tactical metal waste should be taken to the recycle center.
  • Hazardous Waste -- Contact your unit hazardous waste coordinator (HWC) or the base Hazardous Waste Manager for disposal instructions (257-9913 x27). Hazardous waste includes batteries, paint, fluorescent light bulbs and solvents. When unsure, contact your unit HWC or base Hazardous Waste Manager for clarification.
  • Material that Presents a Potential Explosive Hazard (MPPEH) -- Ammo boxes (wood/cardboard) and can, bandoleers, smoke canisters, grenade pins, ammo, spent cartages, pose a potential hazard to base operations personnel. Contact the Recycling Center (257-4300) for proper disposal of these items.
  • Tires -- Tires are prohibited from all landfills per Hawaii State law and are not allowed in dumpsters. All government issued tires should be disposed of through DRMO. Personal tires should be disposed of at the location of purchase.
  • Government Issued Appliances and Televisions -- All Government issued appliances (refrigerators, washer/dryers etc) and televisions must be brought to Base Property for proper reuse/disposal. Contact Base Property (257-2885/2236) for more information.


Bag Trash: Base order 5500.15B requires all garbage must be bagged and tied closed before placing in the dumpsters. This helps meet the legal requirement to control windblown garbage at the landfill.


Dumpster Inspections: All dumpsters are inspected for improper wastes and unbagged trash as described above. If any of these wastes or unbagged trash is found, the dumpster will not be emptied and a command level report submitted. The dumpster will be emptied only after the unit rectifies the problem and contacts the Base Motor Transportation Dept. (257-2607 x233).

Dumpster Report: Each week a command level dumpster report is generated listing dumpster violations. The report identifies dumpster location, the unit/activity assigned to the dumpster, the reason for the violation. The unit/activity is responsible for addressing the violation before the dumpster will be picked up.


Landfill Pass: All units must have a landfill pass. Self hauled waste from base housing areas are not allowed. Self haulers must obtain a landfill pass from the Recycling Center to dispose of any waste in the landfill. Separate recyclables, usable wood and pallets from your waste before coming to the Recycling Center.

Base Family Housing Residents: Base housing residents should refer to their housing manual for proper disposal procedures. In general, all refuse, including bulky items, white goods, televisions and other electronics may be disposed of using the trash containers provided by base housing, or by leaving the item curbside for pickup. Under no circumstances is refuse generated from base housing residents allowed in base dumpsters.

Barracks Residents: Barracks Residents must follow the recycling and solid waste disposal procedures outlined in this brochure.  Any other material that may be considered a hazardous waste (i.e. lead acid batteries) contact your unit HWC for turn in to the Base 90-Day Hazardous Waste Accumulation Site.


MCBH Recycling and Reuse Center is located in Building 132 at the intersection of 1st and D Streets (where you turn to go to the Marina). It is open M, T, TH, F 0800-1530 and W 1200-1530. If you have any questions or would like help setting up a program in your unit please contact the Base Recycling Operations Manager (257-4300).

MCBH Base Property is located at the intersection of 3rd and C Streets. It is open for turn in T,TH 1200-1430 and F 0800-1200 or by appointment (257-2885/2236).


Hours of Operation
Recycling Participation/Landfill Passes Issued
M,T,Th,F 8:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 
Landfill Hours
Open M-F 7:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
Recycling Center Hours
Open M, T, Th, F 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and W 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Other Reuse Options:

It is always better keep items out of our waste stream by reusing them, rather than throwing them away. The following are other reuse options available:

MCBH Thrift Shop: The MCBH Thrift Shop located in Building 212 (Corner of 3rd and E Street) accepts usable electronics and various household items, usable furniture and clothing. Proceeds from the thrift shop are used to support various organizations on base that support Marines and their families. For more information call:

MCBH Reuse Room: Usable but unwanted household hazardous materials such as unused paints, household cleaners, motor oils and propane tanks from base housing residents may be turned in to the Reuse Room located at the Self Help Store located at Building 1505 on the corner of Cushman and Lawrence Road. Military or Civilians living or working on base that want to use the materials brought to the Reuse Room may go to the room to take any of the items there for free.

Advertise for FREE: The Honolulu Advertiser offers FREE advertising in the Sunday Classifieds, Island weekly and various DoD related newspapers for items that are sold for under $200. To place your add, call 521-9111 or go to the following website:

Other Resources: There are numerous off base charities and organizations that will accept your donation of reusable items. For a list of other community resources where items may be donated, visit the City and County of Honolulu’s website at