Our school has, as an integral part of the education program, a health services program managed by a school nurse. The School Health Services Program is not meant to take the place of health care provided by the family or other community agencies. Through school health programs, children and families can develop the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors necessary to remain healthy and to perform well in school. Our school's Health Services Program includes the following elements:

  • Specific written emergency procedures coordinated with available local medical resources.
  • Illness and accident services with referral to appropriate community agencies.
  • Health assessment including vision, hearing, scoliosis, and development screening.
  • Safe administration, documentation, and monitoring of medications needed by students during the school day.
  • Health assessment for placement and monitoring of students with disabilities.
  • Early identification of health problems and intervention plans.
  • Development of Individual Health Plans (IHPs) for students with identified health problems such as asthma, diabetes, allergy to insect stings, etc.
  • Communicable disease control including an immunization program that ensures compliance with the DoDEA and local immunization requirements, including those of the states where Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS) are located.
  • Health counseling and crisis intervention.
  • Consultation, collaboration, and liaison services with local health care facilities.
  • Health education including wellness promotion and disease prevention for groups and individuals.
  • Documentation of health services provided and, where needed, individual Emergency Care Plans (ECPs).


Bahrain School has additional immunization requirements for students:

    In addition to the basic DoDEA requirements, Bahrain School also requires:

    Bahrain is HIGH RISK area for Meningococcal Disease. The Kingdom of Bahrain and Bahrain Ministry of Health require ALL children to have the vaccine at age 2. All students coming to Bahrain should have it before arrival. However, if not possible to get it before arriving, please have it done locally as soon as you arrive.

    In addition, all students 5 years of age and older must have the Meningococcal vaccine every 5 years; every 3 years for BISA Dorm students.

    Please visit the following link for the DoDEA Medical Requirements

    Download the PDF version of the DoDEA Required Immunization Fact Sheet

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Last Updated 12/10/2012
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