People & Organizations

These resources can be found online.  Use Internet Explorer or Safari to download PDF files in DocuShare libraries.  For more information see the Archives Guide or  use  Archives Search to search the catalog or search or browse across the Finding Aids.

Biography Collection (JPL323)

Name List for Bio Collection
Obituary listing (List linked to JPL internal files)

Employee Newspapers and Indexes (JPL Internal)

Galcit-Ear, 1944-1945 (JPL310)
Hard copies in Library
Lab-Oratory, 1951-1976 (JPL311)
Index 1951-1976
Hard copies in Library
Universe, 1970-Present
Index 1970-1998
1970-1999 hard copies in Library

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Newsletter Collection

Search the catalog using  “Newsletter  Collection” as the series

Microfilm Indexes

JPL Director’s Office, project managers, section technical memos, inventions

Oral Histories

Search the catalog using a Power Search and “Oral History” in the word or phrase field, individual’s last name as author, or subject terms.

Organizational Changes

Personnel Charts/Organization Charts (JPL556)

Hard copies in the Archives and some are scanned (JPL Internal)
Personnel Charts
Organization Charts

Telephone Books 1945-2009

(incomplete, JPL Internal)

Some are scanned (JPL Internal)
Hard copies in Library

What did they write?

Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1938-1992
Engineering Document Services (JPL Internal)
JPL Authors Database 1992-present (JPL Internal)


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