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3/16/2010 Tracking the Expansion of Knowledge Using JPL Project Publications

March 1st, 2010

Ann Coppin, Information Science Specialist, JPL Library

An Information Science Seminar organized by the JPL Library, Archives and Records

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. Bldg 180-101


How many papers have been published by members associated with the Cassini project? How many peer-reviewed articles have used data from AIRS? How is JPL connected to prawn farming in Bangladesh? When a project is in the operations phase, many papers are published, first about the mission or instrument itself, then about the data and applications of the data gathered from the project. Some of the papers are written by JPL scientists and engineers, some by partners at academic institutions; still others are written by scientists who are not associated with the projects directly, but simply use the data from the projects. How does a project team track them all? Why should a project team track those publications?

The JPL Library has worked with several project teams to help track such publications, demonstrate the teams’ productivity, and document the values of the science and technology produced at JPL. Ann Coppin, Information Science Specialist, with more than thirty years of experience doing literature searches in the sciences, has supported several project bibliographies during the last few years. In this presentation, she will discuss the resources and services available at the Library, how such lists are compiled, and possible uses for the information.

This seminar is for project managers who are considering ways to document project results; for scientists, technologists and engineers who want to know who else is interested in their project; and for anyone at JPL wondering how the science and technology we develop here contribute to the world we live in. For more information, call Library Reference 4-4200.