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Encore (our new catalog that replaces Library World)


Online Databases
For All Bahrain School Students and Staff - School and Home Use

These resources all require an ID and Password. While you are at school please check Student Common for the required datasheet. It is located in the Information Center folder. Print it and keep it with you. Do not share the information with anyone who is not from Bahrain School, please.

I.  WorldBook  -- -- reference center containing encyclopedia articles, atlas, dictionary, videos, websites, as well as World Book Kids, World Book Advanced and World Book Spanish Language Encyclopedia.

To access WorldBook:

II. Newsbank --full-text articles covering social, economic, environment, government, sports, health, science, and events from more than 500 U.S. newspapers and wire services – 1991 to the present

To access Newsbank:

III. ProQuest K-12 --full-text articles from popular magazines, newspapers, newswires, government documents, journals, etc. in the following databases:

1.  CultureGrams – in-depth reports covering 200+ countries, the United States and Canada that go beyond mere facts and figures and give perspective on daily life and culture
2.  eLibrary Curriculum Edition -  more than 2,000 full-text and multimedia sources
3.  History Study Center - offers invaluable historical references material that covers 14 centuries of history, from ancient to modern, old world to new world
4.  ProQuest Learning: Literature – comprehensive resource including 3,000+ author biographies; 40
searchable full-text literature journals, full-text literary works; and   other key criticism and reference sources
5.  SIRS Knowledge Source – centralized access to all SIRS products supporting research, study and homework in key curricula subjects: Researcher (general reference); Renaissance (Arts & Humanities); Government Reporter;    Discoverer (Elem/M.S. research); Decades (20th century)
6.  SIRS Decades - features 5,000+ primary and secondary source articles that highlight key events, movements, people, and places in 20th-century America

To access Proquest K-12:

IV.  Thomson/Gale  - full-text articles from magazines, newspapers, newswires, academic journals, reference books, Gale products and more in the following seven databases:

1.  Discovering Collection - reference, primary sources, creative works including video and audio clips
2.  Opposing Viewpoints - articles on today's hottest social issues
3.  Student Resource Center - more than 1,100 full-text periodicals and magazines
4.  Student Edition - (designed for High School) - full-text magazines, newspapers and reference books
5.  Junior Reference Collection - (designed for Middle School) - content from the Gale product line
6.  Kids Info Bits - (designed for K-5) - developmentally appropriate, curriculum-related, full-text articles from elementary reference sources and magazines; covers all topics
7.  Science Resource Center - experiments, biographies, latest scientific developments covered in articles from 200 magazines and academic journals, plus links to quality websites

To access Thomson/Gale:

V.  ABC-CLIO U.S. History and Government Resources

To access ABC-CLIO from school :

To access ABC-CLIO from home :



Last updated 02/11/2013
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