Feb 13

Industry News

DARPA Seeks to Build Attack-Resistant Secure Cloud

Government Computer News - May 18, 2011

DoD, DHS Working on One-Two Punch for Cybersecurity

Government Computer News - October 18, 2010

Protecting our Critical Infrastructure

Defense Systems - May 25, 2010

Critical Infrastructure Protection

As the Department of the Navy's Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer, the DON CIO is responsible for all aspects of the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) program. CIP is the protection of cyber and physical assets within the DON that are essential to warfighting readiness and mission accomplishment. This includes assessing vulnerability to loss, whether from terrorist action, natural disaster or human error; developing a coordinated physical and cyber indications capability; and taking action to ensure mission accomplishment in the event of the loss of critical infrastructures.

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Department of the Navy Critical Infrastructure Protection Program

SECNAVINST 3501.1B - February 7, 2011

This instruction provides policy and delineates specific responsibilities for implementing critical infrastructure protection in the Department of the Navy.

DON Critical Infrastructure Protection Program

SECNAVINST 3501.1B - March 2, 2010

This instruction provides policy and delineates specific responsibilities for implementing critical infrastructure protection in the Department of the Navy.

Single Authoritative Source for DON Task Critical Assets

DTG 201807Z JAN 10 - January 20, 2010

This Naval message declares that Strategic Missions Assurance Data Systems (SMADS) is the single authoritative source of Task Critical Assets (TCAs) for Department of the Navy reporting. It also lists the deadlines for entering TCAs into SMADS, which will better facilitate rapid and consistent DON-level reporting.

DoD Policy and Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure

DoD Directive 3020.40 - February 7, 2011

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the execution of roles assigned to the Department of Defense pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 and DoDD 5220.22, and ensures consistency with applicable provisions of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and compliance with applicable provisions of part 29 of title 6, Code of Federal Regulations.

CIP Program for 2009 and Beyond

DON Guidance - October 19, 2011

The Department of the Navy relies on a network of physical and cyber infrastructure so critical that its degradation, exploitation or destruction could have a debilitating effect on the DON's ability to project, support and sustain its forces and operations worldwide. This critical infrastructure includes DON and non-DON domestic and foreign infrastructures essential to planning, mobilizing, deploying, executing and ...

Defense Critical Infrastructure Program: DoD Mission-Based Critical Asset

DoDM 3020.45, Volume 1 - February 7, 2011

This manual provides comprehensive procedures for implementation of a defense critical infrastructure (DCI) identification process across all the Department of Defense Components and defense infrastructure sectors using a mission-focused process that includes all DoD functions as described in DoDD 5100.1. All DCI assets will be designated as task critical assets, with a subset of this list being designated as defense ...

Defense Critical Infrastructure Program Management

DoDI 3020.45 - February 7, 2011

This instruction implements and establishes policy to manage the identification, prioritization, and assessment of defense critical infrastructure (DCI) as a comprehensive program. This program shall include the development of adaptive plans and procedures to mitigate risk, restore capability in the event of loss or degradation, support incident management, and protect DCI-related sensitive information.

Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization and Protection

HSPD-7 - December 17, 2007

This Homeland Security Presidential Directive establishes a national policy for Federal departments and agencies to identify and prioritize United States critical infrastructure and key resources and to protect them from terrorist attacks.

National Preparedness

HSPD-8 - December 17, 2007

This Homeland Security Presidential Directive establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. It requires a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal, establishing mechanisms for improved delivery of Federal preparedness assistance to state and local governments, and outlining ...


National Preparedness Month Begins

September 1, 2011

September is National Preparedness Month, a month-long awareness and activism campaign to improve the nation's emergency preparedness. In recognition of the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks, this year's theme is "A Time to Remember. A Time to Prepare." Although Sept. 11th is a prominent part of National Preparedness Month 2011, it is important to stress that preparedness is important for all hazards, whether ...

CIP Current Events

June 2, 2011

This page provides information on what is happening in the critical infrastructure protection arena within the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense.

Monitor Access to Mission Critical Facilities

by DON CIO CIP Team - May 17, 2011

This CIP Tip expands on one of the CIP Vulnerability Assessment Benchmarks by explaining why it is important, ways to implement this benchmark and where to find additional information.

Critical Infrastructure Protection Month

December 8, 2010

President Obama has proclaimed December 2010 "Critical Infrastructure Protection Month." The proclamation demonstrates the President's commitment to what CIP professionals do each day to help keep the country safe.


CIP Directives, Instructions, Guidance and Strategy

by DON CIO CIP Team - May 17, 2011

This page provides a short description of and links to the major federal, Department of Defense and Department of the Navy Critical Infrastructure Protection directives, instructions, guidance and strategy.

Critical Infrastructure Protection Web Resources

by DON CIO CIP Team - May 17, 2011

This page provides links to other Department of Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) related websites with information that is of interest to Department of the Navy CIP professionals.