Friday, February 15, 2013
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Strategic Military Partner Conference

smpc2012 logo300SMPC 2012 was conducted on 18–20 June 2012 in Zagreb, Croatia. As in the past, this annual event provided an excellent opportunity for Chiefs of Defence (CHOD) of NATO and Partner nations to share their perspectives on important strategic issues of common interest.

This year's SMPC was influenced greatly by the topics discussed at the Chicago Summit. Its timing provided an ideal opportunity to reflect on the Summit outcomes, and to continue the discussions on how best to innovate and transform the Alliance with the help of member and partner nations.

ACT is always open for your advice on how to improve SMPC in the future. Your comments and recommendations are appreciated and very important to us. Therefore, please feel free to email or call the conference OPR at any time to provide your feedback.

Next Venue
Strategic Military Partner Conference 2013 will take place from 25 to 27 June 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden.

LTC Stefan Keip
Tel: +1 (757) 747-3473
Fax: +1 (757) 747-3710