Wednesday, February 13, 2013
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HQ SACT - Partnership for Peace Staff Element (PSE)

The Partnership for Peace (PfP) is chiefly aimed at defense cooperation and is the operational side of the Partnership framework, designed to reinforce stability and reduce the risk of conflict.

Since its creation in 1994 it has been joined by 30 countries, ten of which have since become members of the Alliance.

The PfP’s main task is to increase the participants’ ability to act in concert. Through various mechanisms it helps Partner countries prepare to operate jointly with NATO forces.

The key contribution of the PfP is establishing a real dialogue between NATO and each participant. Joint activities and regular consultation improve transparency in national defence planning and budgeting, encourage democratic control of the armed forces and help nations equip and train to operate at the Alliance’s side, generally furthering the democratic values at the heart of NATO’s partnership policy.

These functions are served at Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation by the HQ SACT PfP Staff Element.

For more information on NATO's PfP:

  • SO (Partner)
    Joint Force Trainer
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    Captain Vladyslav Lytovchenko, Ukranian Navy