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Also: Glossary of Tropical Cyclone TermsNWS Glossary

ARRL American Radio Relay League
ARWO Aerial Reconnaissance Weather
ASOS Automated Surface Observing Systems
AST Atlantic Standard Time (EST + 1 or same as EDT)
AVN AViation ruN of the NCEP MRF model.
AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
CARCAH Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination, All Hurricanes
CDT Central Daylight Time
CLIPER CLImatology and PERsistence (statistical track forecast model)
CONUS Continental United States
CP Continental Polar (dry (continental) and cold (polar) airmass)
CPHCCentral Pacific Hurricane Center
CST Central Standard Time
DAC Disaster Application Center
DAE Disaster Assistance Employee
DCO Defense Coordinating Officer
DFO Disaster Field Office
DOC Department of Commerce
EAS Emergency Alert System
EBS Emergency Broadcast System
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
EICC Emergency Information and Coordination Center (FEMA)
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMWIN Emergency Manager\'s Weather Information Center
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EOP Emergency Operations Plan
ERT Emergency Response Team (FEMA)
ERT-A Advance Element of the Emergency Response Team (FEMA)
ESF Emergency Support Function
EST Emergency Support Team (FEMA) / Eastern Standard Time
FAST Field Assessment Team
FCO Federal Coordinating Officer (FEMA)
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FRP Federal Response Plan
GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (a place and a computer model)
GFS Global Forecasting System
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GUNA GFDI-UKMI-NGPI-AVNI model ensemble average
GUNSGFDL-UKMET-NOGAPS model ensemble average
HES Hurricane Evacuation Study
HF High Frequency
HSTHawaiia Standard Time
ICS Incident Command System
IT Information Technology Directorate (FEMA)
ITCZ Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
JIC Joint Information Center
JTWCJoint Typhoon Warning Center
KM Kilometers
KT Knots (nautical miles per hour 1 KT = 1.15 MPH)
LBAR Limited area BARotropic (NCEP model)
LLCC Low Level Cloud Center
M Statute Mile
M/S Meters Per Second
MB Millibars
MEOW Maximum Envelope of Water or Maximum Envelope of Winds
MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support (FEMA)
MOC MERS Operations Center (FEMA)
MPH Miles Per Hour
MRF Medium Range Forecast (NCEP)
MT Mitigation Directorate (FEMA)
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAWAS National Warning System
NDMS National Disaster Medical System
NECC National Emergency Coordination Center (FEMA)
NEXRAD Next Generation of Radar
NHC National Hurricane Center
NM Nautical Mile
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOGAPS Naval Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
NPSC National Process Serving Center (FEMA)
NTC National Teleregistration Center (FEMA)
NVOAD National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
NWS National Weather Service
NWSFO National Weather Service Forecasting Office
OS Operations Support Directorate (FEMA)
OSC On-Scene Coordinator
PIO Public Information Officer
PT Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate (FEMA)
PUP Principle User Processor
RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging
RD Regional Director
REACT Radio Emergency Associated Communication Team
ROC Regional Operations Center
RR Response and Recovery Directorate (FEMA)
SCO State Coordinating Officer
SHIFOR Stastical Hurricane Intensity FORecast
SHIPS Stastical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme
SITREP Situation Report
SLOSH Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges for Hurricanes
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TAFB Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TPC)
TD Tropical Depression
TPC Tropical Prediction Center
TS Tropical Storm
TSB Technical Support Branch (TPC)
UKMET United Kingdom Office of Meteorology (a place and a computer model)
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAF United States Air Force
USAR Urban Search and Rescue
USCG United States Coast Guard
USGS United States Geological Survey
USN United States Navy
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VT Valid Time
WFO Weather Forecast Office
WRFWeather Research and Forecast Model
Z Zulu Time (same as UTC)