Protected Resources

The Protected Resources Division develops, coordinates, and monitors:

We also manage:

The research focus includes:

SEFSC scientists contribute to the understanding, conservation, recovery, and management of marine biodiversity by conducting research and providing scientific and technical advice to local, state, and federal management organizations, including Fishery Management Councils and the National Marine Sanctuary Program.

The SEFSC's Protected Resources Division receives broad programmatic guidance from the goals and objectives of the NOAA Strategic Plan and the 2007 NOAA Strategic Plan for Fisheries Research to:

Principal legal mandates that establish the Agency's responsibilities for management and conservation of protected species are the:


coral photo
Mountainous Star Coral babies cultured from captured spawn and settled on artificial substrate, shown under fluorescent light
(Montastraea faveolata)
Photo Credit: NOAA SEFSC

bottlenose dolphin photo
Bottlenose Dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus)
Photo Credit: NOAA Beaufort Lab

green turtle underwater, near ocean floor
Green Turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
Photo Credit: Andy Bruckner, NOAA

reef fish photo
Reef fish
Photo Credit: NOAA's Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Syngnathidae larvae
Syngnathidae Family:
pipefishes and seahorses

Photo Credit: NOAA
(click photo for larger image)
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