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FY 2010 NOAA Preserve America Initiative Internal Funding Program - Funded Projects

For results of project, click on project title.

The Historic Legacy of the R/V Albatross IV; the Ship and its Staff $11,900
The Albatross IV, built for the US Fisheries Commission in 1962, was the first purpose-built research stern trawler. As part of the Marine Resources Monitoring Assessment and Prediction program, it collected one of the largest data sets of oceanographic information, including information on many species, which has been used as the basis for many research papers and federal regulations for the Northeast. A permanent oral, pictorial, and video exhibit has been installed at the NOAA Woods Hole Science Aquarium. The recorded and digitized materials have been made available through an online collection and further enhanced by a public lecture series.

Bringing History to the Surface: Live Broadcast from the wreck of the Montana $10,000.
The shipwreck Montana lies within the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS). TBNMS has partnered with the City of Alpena, Michigan and NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory to conduct a live dive interactive broadcast from the site of the shipwreck. Along with the live broadcast, an archaeological assessment of the ship's remains was done. Interpretive markers displaying imagery of the wreckage, maps, and general information on the Montana tell the story. Local teachers were invited to tune in so that their students could witness this historic event.

Bolder History: Earth Explorers - Stories from our Community $11,000
Middle school students from economically and culturally diverse backgrounds interviewed Boulder-area scientists. From these interviews, student film companies produced short films. Via the Earth Explorers program, a diverse group of kids had fun while learning earth science.

Interactive Traveling Great Lakes Science Education and Maritime Heritage Exhibit $10,000
A travelling, interactive exhibit was developed to promote visitation to the scenic Great Lakes coasts and to educate visitors about Great Lakes science and maritime heritage and the Thunder bay National Marine Sanctuary. The exhibit features historic NOAA assets and highlight NOAA’s role in the Great Lakes. The exhibit includes both historic materials on display and hands-on activities, which stimulate conversations among the broad spectrum of visitors.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Reconstructing the Historical Run Timing and Spawning Distribution of Eulachon Through Tribal Oral History
Funds will be used to interview Cowlitz Indian Tribe Elders who lived along tributaries of the lower Columbia River and will capture the history of eulachon fishing by the tribe. Other tribal elders will also be interviewed. Traditional Ecological Knowledge is an invaluable resource that will aid in the identification of key spawning habitat, timing of eulachon runs, and run differences between tributaries.

Taking the Coast Survey's Earliest and Indigenous Cartography Back Home
Early explorers of Alaska and the Yukon accumulated an archive of historic Russian maps and several sets of extraordinary maps created by Alaskan natives. Two of the most important surviving sets of historic indigenous cartography were captured digitally and made available via the internet. Then, they were be hand delivered to their native origins, after an absence of more than a century.

Surface Weather Analysis: Where it has been, where it is going
Surface analysis techniques have vastly changed over the years with the advent of new technology and increased surface observation coverage. Funding will allow oral histories from retired and current National Weather Service employees to be captured, preserving the origins of surface analysis for generations of weather forecasters to come.

Showcasing the Northwest Fisheries Science Center Mukilteo Field Station
The Northwest Fisheries Science Center Mukilteo field station is situated on a site with great historic importance to native peoples as well as early Euro-American settlers. Funds will be used to develop interpretive signs that showcase the facility.

The Civil War: Charting a More Perfect Union
The Office of Coast Survey worked with the National Park Service and West Virginia University to provide wider public access to maps, charts and historical information. The rich history of NOAA's predecessor organization, Survey of the Coast, as well as NOAA's role during the Civil War was documented and placed on a website.

Voices of the Past: Oral Histories from Coastal Georgia Commercial Fisheries
Funding will support the collection of oral histories of fishermen from the Coastal Georgia Commercial Fisheries and documentation such as images and vessel logs and any other supporting materials. These will be used to create a report to illustrate the human impact on this seascape.

Oral Histories: The Research and Development Behind the 1988-1999 Modernization of NOAA's National Weather Service
Between 1988 and 1999, NOAA completed the modernization and restructuring of its National Weather Service (NWS) to improve the quality and reliability of NOAA products and services for the protection of life and property and the economic well being of the nation. Funds were used to interview both active and retired experts who were instrumental in conducting research and development which significantly contributed to the introduction of advanced weather observing and forecast decision technologies that formed the foundation for today’s modernized National Weather Service.

Marine Operations Center - Pacific Totem Pole Restoration
In 1961 a three tiered, twenty-four foot, cedar thunderbird totem was made by the last known totem maker of the Thlinget tribe and given by the city of Wrangell, AK to the Marine Operations Center - Pacific to commemorate NOAA’s hydrographic work in south east Alaska. Funds will be used to partner with tribal artists to restore the totem before it is moved.

Click here for more detailed information on the 2010 NOAA PAIIF funded projects.

For additional information, contact Katie Garrett or Cheryl Oliver.