img NOAA Chief of Staff Scott Rayder (center), NOAA Preserve America Lead Dan Basta (left), and Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Brig. Gen. (Ret.) John Kelly open a crate full of "treasures" to kick off the First Annual NOAA Heritage Week. Photo: David Hall/NOAA

Did You Discover the Treasures of NOAA's Ark?

2005 heritage week
The First Annual NOAA Heritage Week
February 7-11, 2005
Silver Spring, MD

NOAA has in its care a wealth of artifacts—from 19th century maps and charts to early scientific instruments—that recall the agency's proud heritage and legacy of service to the nation. During the First Annual NOAA Heritage Week NOAA dusted off a variety of these rare treasures and placed them in a display that was so unique visitors were instantly overtaken by the thrill of discovery, just like the early NOAA scientists surely did when they first used these items!

Using the unique setting of a 1930's warehouse, over 200 NOAA heritage assets were on display in the NOAA Science Center February 7-11, 2005. Conservators were also on hand during the event to offer tips about caring for precious personal treasures and heirlooms, from old family photos to quilts, clothing, and other fabric items. The Treasures of NOAA's Ark event was opened on February 7th when DUS Jack Kelly, Chief of Staff Scott Rayder and NOAA Preserve America Lead Dan Basta formally opened the exhibit with "ceremonial" crowbars. Over 300 individuals visited the exhibit during a 3-hour period on its opening day. Extended hours on Friday allowed for both NOAA employees and the public to enjoy the display. In all, the total attendance topped 1,500 for the one-week run.

You can re-live the excitement of the Treasure's of NOAA's Ark by visiting the virtual tour. Look for NOAA Heritage Week to be a reoccurring event in Silver Spring and other NOAA facilities!