Acknowledging Grantee Contributions
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Acknowledging Grantee Contributions
Acknowledging Grantee Contributions to NCI

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Many distinguished grantees provide an invaluable service by serving as advisors to the NCI.   Please click on the links below to learn more about their contributions to these important advisory boards.

The Board advises, assists, consults with, and makes recommendations to the Secretary and the Director, National Cancer Institute, with respect to the activities carried out by and through the Institute and policies respecting these activities; may recommend for support grants and cooperative agreements, following technical and scientific peer review; and relating to the functions pertaining to the NCI.

The Board makes recommendations on research priorities conducted or supported by the Institute. This includes the evaluation of NCI awarded grants, cooperative agreements and contracts and concept review of those activities which it considers meritorious and consistent with the Institute's programs. The advisory role of the Board is scientific and does not include deliberation on matters of public policy.