
Dominic Hondolero

MS - Biology with a concentration in Ecology
San Diego State University
NOS/Physical Scientist

Sampling invertebrate communities off Yukon Island in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, August 2007, photo credit: Jon Witman.


The Educational Partnership Program is pleased to announce that Dominic Hondolero, a Graduate Sciences Program (GSP) student, received his Master's Degree in Biology with a concentration in Ecology in December 2011 from San Diego State University. His thesis was entitled, "Physical and Biological Characteristics of Kelp Forests in Kachemak Bay, Alaska." During his tenure as a GSP, he was primary author for a paper published in the journal Polar Biology, entitled, "Caloric Content of Dominant Benthic Species from the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas: Historical Comparisons and the Effects of Preservation." Dominic is a full-time employee in NOAA’s National Ocean Service. At NOS, Dominic is an Oceanographer at the NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research in Kasitsna Bay, AK.