NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Groundfish Regulations

Groundfish Regulations (PDF 1.4MB) are part of the Code of Federal Regulations (at 50CFR660) and may be amended through proposed and final rules published in the Federal Register. The groundfish regulations document is an updated version of current groundfish regulations. Revised Groundfish Regulations tracks revisions throughout the management cycle based on inseason adjustments. Both of these documents are publications of the NOAA Fisheries Northwest Region and are not official Federal Register documents.

Federal groundfish regulations include groundfish harvest levels and fishing restrictions (trip limits, area closures, season lengths, etc.), which are known as the "harvest specifications and management measures." We publish the Pacific Coast Groundfish Biennial Specifications and Management Measures before the start of the fishing year on Jan. 1, every other year, beginning in 2005. Throughout the following two years, we'll amend these regulations inseason, either to correct mistakes or to revise trip limits or other management measures according to recommendations from the Pacific Fishery Management Council.non-U.S.-gov't link

The links on the left include all of the listed year's proposed, final and inseason changes to federal groundfish regulations.


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Page last updated: January 10, 2013
