Rip Current (1 min. video)

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Peter Davis, Galveston Island Beach Patrol Chief: Grandma called it undertow, your uncle called it a rip tide, it’s a rip current. There’s no current that pulls you under in the beach, a rip current pulls you out. You can recognize a rip current by it’ foamy, choppy surface. It’ll have sand mixed up in it and it will be a little different color than the rest of the water. Rip currents are responsible for eighty percent of all rescues in the surf environment. People get really scared or tired, and trying to swim against the current, and that’s when they have problems.


Chris Brewster, United States Lifesaving Association: Swim along the shore line and then at an angle back to shore. If you’re unable to do that, just stay floating in the rip current, eventually its pull will dissipate. And if you’re really unable to even stay afloat, then turn around, face shore, way your arms and yell for help. If you see someone in trouble, get help from a lifeguard. If there is no lifeguard available throw them something that floats and give them advice on how to get back to shore. Every year people drown trying to rescue other.


Peter Davis: When you got to the beach, remember, this is no a pool and it’s not a pond. If you’re a non-swimmer you have no business going out in a surf environment.