Interactive Customer Evaluation
OMB 0704-0420, expires 31 OCT 2017
RCS DD-DA&M(AR)2124, expires 31 OCT 2017

Army Publishing - Customer Service Comment Card

Army Publishing - Customer Service
Comment Card


Army coordinator and responsible agent for all departmental publications and forms within the US Army. APD manages, edits, designs, indexes, and electronically produces and prints departmental publications and forms, provides life-cycle management for printed publications and forms, manages publication accounts and provides world-wide distribution.


Were you satisfied with your overall experience?


How was the business transaction conducted?

Please identify the functional area you are commenting on:

Which best describes the service or support on which you are commenting:

Quality of Service


Were you satisified with the APD Web site (


Is there anyone you would like to recognize?

Facility Appearance


Employee/Staff Attitude


Timeliness of Service


Hours of Service


Did the product or service meet your needs?


  (optional) 0/4000






Privacy Advisory: Unless you provide your name, phone, email address or otherwise identify yourself in the text comments on the comment card, all submitted information and comments will remain anonymous. No attempt to identify you or your organization will be made unless the comment card submission or set of submissions reflects a credible or potential threat, or reflects a misuse or abuse of the system, or is related to a law enforcement investigation. If you have a complaint and do not provide a phone number or email address, there will be no way of following up with you directly regarding the complaint. However, all comments and complaints will be examined whether or not you supply contact information. Your comment card submission, including the text comments, may be reviewed by multiple people associated to the service provided. This may, in some cases, include higher levels in the service provider's chain of command. By providing comment information in the text comment box, you are acknowledging that the information provided may be reviewed throughout the organization to which the comment was submitted, and, possibly at higher organization levels within the ICE system.


"Thank you for taking the time to complete this comment card. Your opinions are very important to us."