Friday, July 2, 2010

Fireworks and Planes Don’t Mix

It's time again for the annual reminder about how fireworks and air travel are a bad combo.

So, in case you were planning on packing a bag of cherry bombs, fireworks on a plane are a no-no in your carry-on and checked luggage. And yes, people still try to bring them. Including sneaky children who put them in their bags without their parents knowing...

While fireworks are prohibited on aircraft, they may not be prohibited in your back yard depending on local laws. If you plan on lighting some fuses this year, please consider the following guidance from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) or this could be you.

Have a great 4th of July! Enjoy all of your annual traditions and stay safe! I know I’ll be partaking in a burger, baked beans, corn on the cob, and last but not least, apple pie! Mmmm...

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Blogger Bob said...

Have a great weekend! See you on Tuesday!

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Randy said...

What! No baseball!?!?

How UN-American. :-)

Sorry, couldn't resist,

Anonymous said...

The idea of Bob, baked beans, and fireworks seems to have a natural connection.

Now if I could only figure out what that is...

Sacramento Attorney said...

It does seem to happen every year - someone getting in trouble for bringing fireworks on a plane. Most of the time its not intentional and hopefully all TSA employees are trained to handle each situation appropriately.

5.11 Tactical Gear said...

I think it is absolutely HILARIOUS that people do this. I agree with Sacramento Attorney that I would guess that the majority are unintentional... however. I never cease to be amazed on how stupid people can be!

Thank you TSA agents for keeping us safe!

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that there are people who think fireworks should be carried onto aircraft. How many years ago were most fireworks added onto the FAA "Don't Pack/Carry" list?

Anonymous said...

"All flammable and explosive materials..."

Cloth is flammable. Do we have to strip naked before getting on a plane?

Or does it have to both flammable AND explosive, in which case, non-flammable explosives would be allowed?

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that people post stupid comments like this one. "Cloth is flammable. Do we have to strip naked before getting on a plane?" your so clever... sigh

RB said...

"Fireworks and Planes Don’t Mix"

Neither does TSA and Security!

Earl Pitts said...

@Anon: "Cloth is flammable. Do we have to strip naked before getting on a plane?"

No, that's what the Nude-O-Scopes are for.


Earl Pitts said...

One should be sure to make sure his/her grammar is correct before ripping on someone's intelligence with a line "your so clever... sigh"


Anonymous said...

Exactly what on-topic comments would anyone even want to post to this thread? Something like this?

Rarely does one think to bring fireworks on a plane
Especially when one thinks of the damage they cause
So it is surprising that people still do this.
Positively surprising.
Onto a plane one can't bring fireworks.
Nothing that's explosive should be allowed.
Don't you all agree?

To those who don't agree, tell me:
Oh, I would be very interested to know.

Naturally the people who do this don't read the blog
And so they don't know about the rules that govern
Use common sense, my friends.
Each other.

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that people post stupid comments like this one. "Cloth is flammable. Do we have to strip naked before getting on a plane?" your so clever... sigh

Well the TSA is so... anal... about it's requirements (3.5 ounces of shampoo? NO! 4 ounce container, half empty? NO! Sealed bottle of water you saw me buy from the stand over there! Hell no!) that I felt it was only fair to see how they might interpret this sign/rule.

Soco said...

Just bringing home some nice little noisemakers for the kiddies. What's the harm? Some people will just never learn and lack the common sense to make good decisions. Alas we need rules and regulations to keep us all safe. As for some of the other regulations... well that is another matter. Fireworks are overrated.

Jens said...

After all I've heard until now, it still shocks me, that there are really such people, who do things like that.

ImmGen said...

I was at sfo this kid forgot to remove his 25 cent pack of fireworks from his bag. Guess what him and his mother were taken to the "back". I think it was a simple solution throw it away or don't board. but no lets take them to the back.

Raquel said...

My fourth was safe and fun, including the travel. I think the minor inconvenience is worth the safety.

Mike said...

I agree that fireworks and planes don't mix. I feel parents should take responsibility by checking their child's bag and ensure that they are not carrying them.