Welcome to the NOAA Testbed and Proving Ground Portal

NOAA's testbeds and proving grounds facilitate the orderly transition of research capabilities to operational implementation through development testing in testbeds, and pre-deployment testing and operational readiness/suitability evaluation in operational proving grounds, as described in the approved Guidelines and Success Measures.
The NOAA Testbed and Operational Proving Ground Coordinating Committee provides a forum for effective and efficient functioning of NOAA's testbeds and proving grounds.
link to Aviation Weather Testbed
Aviation Weather Testbed
AWT tests new science and technology to produce better aviation weather products and services.
link to Climate Testbed
Climate Testbed
CTB accelerates transition of scientific advances from the climate research community to improved NOAA climate forecast products and services. (Charter)
link to Climate Testbed
Coastal & Ocean Modeling Testbed
COMT accelerates transition of advances from the coastal and ocean modeling research community to improved operational ocean products and services. (Charter)
link to Developmental Testbed Center
Developmental Testbed Center
DTC improves weather forecasts by facilitating transition of the most promising new NWP techniques from research into operations. (Charter)
link to GOES-R Proving Ground
GOES-R Proving Gound
GRPG tests and evaluates simulated GOES-R products before the GOES-R satellite is launched into space. (Charter)
link to GOES-R Proving Ground
Hazardous Weather Testbed
HWT accelerates transition of new meteorological insights and technologies into advances in forecasting and warning for hazardous weather events. (Charter)
link to Hydrometeorology Testbed
Hydrometeorology Testbed
HMT conducts research on precipitation and weather conditions that can lead to flooding, and fosters transition of scientific advances and new tools into forecasting operations. (Charter)
link to Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
JCSDA accelerates and improves use of research and operational satellite data in weather, ocean, climate and environmental analysis and prediction systems. (Charter)
link to Joint Hurricane Testbed
Joint Hurricane Testbed
JHT is a competitive, peer-reviewed, granting process to choose the best mature research products for testing and transitioning to operations. Includes modeling, data gathering, and decision support components. (Charter)
Operations Proving Ground no link
Operations Proving Ground
OPG serves as a framework to advance NWS decision-support services and science & technology for a weather-ready nation. (Charter)
Space Weather Prediction Testbed
SWPT supports development and transition of new space weather models, products, and services. Infuses new research to improve accuracy, lead-time and value of products, forecasts, alerts, watches, and warnings. (Charter)