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Welcome to GOES-R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Website!



To develop, test, demonstrate, validate, and provide algorithms for end-to-end GOES-R Ground Segment capabilities, provide sustained life cycle calibration/validation and product algorithm enhancements, and to ensure user readiness of GOES-R data and derived products.

AWG Role

AWG is responsible for managing the development and selection of algorithms for GOES-R and to participate in various capacities in a number of different calibration/validation activities. AWG will provide oversight of the schedules, activities, and budget expenditures needed for an integrated program of algorithm development and calibration/validation activities that span the entire lifecycle of the GOES-R program.

Work Phases

All AWG activities are organized around and executed within three key work phases that align with GOES-R Ground Segment Project activities. These three key phases include: 1) Algorithm Development and Pre-Operational Demonstration Phase; 2) Calibration, Validation, and Verification Phase; and 3) Algorithm Sustainment and Product Tailoring Phase. All activities undertaken within each phase follow defined and repeatable processes that reduce program risks.



GOES-R AWG Delivery was made on Friday, September 30, 2011. The delivery included the following:

  • 100% Option 2 ATBD and Algorithm Package
  • 80% Visibility ATBD and Algorithm Package
  • Parallax ATBD
  • AWG Baseline Product Performance Monitoring Document
  • AWG Algorithm Interface and Ancillary Data Document

GOES-R Algorithm Development Executive Board Meeting was held on Wednesday-Thursday, August 3-4, 2011 at Harris' Facility in Greenbelt, Maryland.

AWG Annual Meeting 2011 was held on Tuesday-Thursday, June 14-16, 2011 at the Hilton Hotel in Fort Collins, Colorado. AWG teams presented the accomplishments over the past year and reviewed the objectives of the coming year. AIT had meetings with individual application teams to discuss algorithm codes/documents/schedules related issues and activities. Click HERE to view the Presentations and AIT Breakout Notes.

2011 GOES-R AWG Validation Workshop was held on Tuesday-Wednesday, May 10-11, 2011. AWG teams presented the ongoing and planned efforts that involve the development of tools/capabilities and use of pertinent data sources for GOES-R Level-2 baseline product validation activities.

Please refer comments or questions to the webmaster.  This page was last modified on 10/03/2011 04:14:23