Cape Wind Project

BOEM has issued the nation’s first  commercial lease to Cape Wind Associates, LLC (CWA) for the right to construct and operate an offshore wind facility located in Federal waters offshore Massachusetts. The project area is located on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound, between Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket Island. The project consists of 130 wind turbine generators, each rated at 3.6 megawatts, for a total capacity of 468 megawatts. For additional information,  click here .

Delaware Lease

BOEM has issued a commercial lease to Bluewater Wind Delaware LLC (wholly owned subsidiary of NRG Energy, Inc.) for the right to submit one or more plans to support the development of an offshore wind facility. This lease was issued for an 96,430-acre area located in Federal waters offshore Delaware. For additional information, click here.

Interim Policy Projects

The interim policy was announced in November 2007 before the issuance of the final regulations in April 2009. The interim policy allowed for limited leasing and was designed for resource data collection and technology testing activities. The interim policy leases have a five year term and provide no subsequent commercial rights. In June 2009, the BOEM offered a total of five leases, four in New Jersey and one in Delaware. Four of the offered leases were executed on November 1, 2009.