Virtual Career Fair Planned...

Sign Up TODAY!!!The United States Intelligence Community (IC), an integrated network of agencies that work together to protect our nation’s security, is seeking a culturally diverse, technologically savvy and skilled workforce for exciting careers in a number of fields.

Join us at the fourth annual IC Virtual Career Fair to explore career opportunities, chat with recruiters and subject matter experts, and learn how to apply for job openings.


For details, and to register, visit:

Event: IC Virtual Career Fair

Date: Tuesday, Feb 26, 2013

Time: 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Eastern)

Space is limited! To guarantee your entrance into this event, pre-registration is highly encouraged. Go to (U.S. citizenship is required.)


The following IC agencies will be participating in the fair:


• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

• Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

• FBI Language Services Section (FBI LSS)

• National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

• National Security Agency (NSA)

• National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC)


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