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Office of Railroad Policy & Development

The Office of Railroad Policy and Development is responsible for working with stakeholders to develop cohesive goals and policies for maintaining and improving the U.S. freight and passenger rail networks, as well as for managing a portfolio of grant and loan investments that contributes to achieving these goals. The Office is primarily focused on the following activities:

  • evaluating and monitoring Federal grants and loans to ensure successful project development and delivery
  • conducting research and developing applied science to ensure the U.S. remains on the cutting edge of rail technology
  • establishing parameters and methodologies for conducting national, regional, and state rail planning activities
  • analyzing and reporting on rail industry conditions and trends
  • developing technical assistance and guidance materials for current and future grantees or loan recipients

The Associate Administrator for Railroad Policy and Development provides executive direction for four coordinated offices:

  • Office of Program Planning and Administration: provides integrated management support across all Railroad Policy and Development activities
  • Office of Passenger and Freight Programs: manages and oversees Federal grants and loans made through multiple investment programs
  • Office of Research and Development: conducts scientific research and develops technologies to improve safety and stimulate advances in the railroad industry
  • Office of Policy: develops policies and provides analysis of industry conditions and trends