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In the Community

Auburn University and Partners add Internet workstations in Alabama schools and libraries


In March 2011, the Center for Governmental Services at Auburn University, in partnership with Tuskegee University and the Alabama Public Library System, began upgrading and adding Internet workstations in schools and libraries throughout Alabama. This statewide initiative is designed to provide visitors with computer resources that they can use to search for jobs online, find career development materials, and apply for employment, training, or related assistance. Through the project, as of June 2011, 1,400 new workstations were distributed. These workstations serve an average of 29,300 students and library patrons per week at 66 public computing centers.

In many cases, these centers were using computers more than 10 years old. The response to receiving these new workstations from the librarians, patrons and students has been overwhelmingly positive. Community members use these new computers for schoolwork, jobs, and digital literacy training.

Auburn University is also providing training for library staff members. Librarians participate in webinars via Auburn University’s website and learn techniques for managing their new computer resources. By the end of the project, more than 130 locations in 55 counties throughout Alabama will receive $3.5 million worth of new computers and computer equipment.

In the Community

Maine Program Increases Digital Literacy in Healthcare, Fishing, and Farming Industries


In late 2010, Axiom Technologies, LLC launched sustainable broadband adoption programs to increase the utilization of technology in the healthcare, fishing, and farming industries in Washington County, Maine. These BTOP-funded programs are establishing the groundwork for defining new and innovative ways that broadband can improve production, service, and knowledge in each of these industries.

In November 2010, Axiom Technologies held a ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Maine Fiber Company, a BTOP infrastructure grantee which is connecting the Central Maine Medical Center College of Nursing and Health Professions to a statewide fiber-optic network and announced new telemedicine learning capabilities. At the ceremony, both grantees announced new telemedicine learning capabilities. This faster network connection from the Maine Fiber Company will enable Axiom Technologies’ to help the College host video conferences with other state hospitals and learning institutions, so students can participate in remote distance learning. For instance, Axiom Technologies set up a similar remote learning program at the College of Nursing in Lewiston, Maine, where students can use video conferencing services to connect to the University of Maine in Machias and take their nursing pre-requisite classes. The College also set up video conferencing capabilities, allowing nurses and paramedics to view a more diverse range of medical cases than those available at the local community’s Down East Hospital.

Fishing and Farming
Axiom Technologies is working to build new applications that can help improve the use of land and water resources and increase business knowledge and productivity software for economic development purposes. In January 2011, Axiom Technologies provided 10 local farmers and 10 local fishermen with wireless equipment and rugged laptops as part of a pilot project that included 62 community members. Participants followed an online curriculum and were offered training assistance over the course of 11 weeks. The courses focused on building skills in Microsoft ® Office, QuickBooks, Adobe ® Photoshop, basic computer setup and maintenance, and other computer software. The 62 community members completed more than 1,500 hours of training in the 11 week period. As the project moves forward, Axiom Technologies will increase broadband connections in locations near farmers and fishermen, and will look to build industry-relevant applications and assist local industries with utilizing broadband for small businesses and economic development purposes.

In the Community

Montana State Library offers Digital Literacy Training


Montana State Library opened two new public computer centers at libraries in the cities of Butte and Billings. These centers support a statewide effort to provide affordable broadband, computer skills, and workforce development training to senior citizens, job seekers, and young adults. Each library provides new computers and digital literacy classes that are tailored specifically to the needs of its patrons.
In December 2010, damage from a fire caused the Butte-Silver Bow Public Library to close and open a temporary site in the Butte Plaza Mall. Along with traditional library services, visitors to the site can access broadband Internet on new laptops and workstations. Patrons also can attend a variety of digital literacy classes including computer basics, Internet fundamentals, and email techniques.

The temporary site, deemed the Library’s “South Branch,” was able to provide library services to its community members while the main branch underwent renovations. As of June 2011, more than 579 community members participated in the South Branch’s 53 digital literacy workshops and approximately 2,000 users each month utilize the new workstations. Additionally, a survey of visitors revealed a desire to make the facility permanent even after the main Butte-Silver library became fully operational. The Butte-Silver Library has been able to meet the needs of its community and keep computer centers at both libraries fully operational. The main library houses 10 new workstations and offers digital literacy trainings.

The Montana State University Billings College of Technology’s computer center offers 20 new laptops that patrons can use to search for jobs, learn computer basics, and work on school-related assignments. Visitors also can participate in digital literacy classes that cover topics such as computer basics and Microsoft Windows® software fundamentals. This community library is a joint academic-public library project between Montana State University and Parmly Billings Library.

The Montana State Library is working to provide more access to broadband Internet at faster speeds to 42 local libraries in 29 counties across the state within reach of 86 percent of Montana’s population. To sustain broadband adoption across the state, the project is deploying approximately 195 new computers and upgrading another 149 in 42 local libraries across 29 counties. As of June 2011, 328 new and refurbished computers have been distributed, serving more than 16,220 users per week. Participating libraries also partner with local organizations to create targeted marketing campaigns that will reach local constituents. For example, the Butte-Silver Bow Library partnered with AARP to promote its computer skills classes and increase participation among senior residents.

In the Community
miami dade_itc

LINK Program offers Digital Literacy classes in Miami


The School Board of Miami-Dade County launched the Learn Ideas, Navigate Knowledge (LINK) program in 35 low-income elementary, middle, and high schools across the Miami-Dade County Public Schools district. This program promotes broadband adoption among economically distressed populations by providing the necessary training and equipment to students and their families. The school board partners with non- and for-profit organizations to provide computers, Internet service, and multilingual digital literacy training to participating families.

The LINK program created an Introduction to Computers class through its partnership with The Parent Academy. Through this class, participants learn computer basics, Internet fundamentals, and how to use LINK’s Parent Portal. Once completed, participating families receive a free personal computer and access to its Parent Portal, an online tool that allows parents to view students’ grades and keep in contact with teachers. Additionally, a video of the Introduction to Computers class, available in English, Spanish, and Creole, is pre-loaded onto each computer along with anti-virus and word-processing software.

By the end of the project, the LINK program is expected to provide computers and Internet access to approximately 6,000 households.

In the Community

Texas State Library and Archives Commission


As of July 2011, the Texas State Library & Archives Commission has upgraded public computer centers at 11 libraries throughout the state. Known as the Technology Expertise, Access and Learning for all Texans (TEAL) project, this initiative is providing computer access and training opportunities for the state’s most underserved populations across 38 partnering library systems.

TEAL offers professional development webinars for library staff. These webinars provide librarians with tools and techniques to manage and promote computer resources, enabling libraries to better meet patrons’ technology needs. To date, TEAL has facilitated 10 webinars for approximately 744 library staff members, helping them improve their understanding of technology to boost sustainable broadband adoption. TEAL offers webinars on a variety of topics including a series on how to promote and teach computer technology with seniors and people with disabilities. TEAL also partnered with the Texas Workforce Commission to create a series of workforce skills webinars, teaching librarians how to help library patrons with their job searches and career development.

In the Community

YTECH Programs Use Digital Literacy Skills to Empower Young People to Take Action In Their Communities


YTECH digital literacy and civic engagement programs served 271 young people in the summer months of 2011. Each young person gained digital literacy skills while working as a team to learn about a social issue, connect online and in person with community leaders, create digital media and take action in their communities. YTECH is program of the Metrocenter branch of the YMCA of Greater Seattle.

“Armed with hard skills, access to technology and a forum for expression and action, we can create the next generation of employable, engaged, skilled civic participants,” said Chris Tugwell, YTECH director.

Fifteen high-school aged youth from a workforce development program in the city participated in a seven-week internship with YTECH and formed Seattle United Neighborhoods to tackle neighborhood-specific problems.

“We used photos to tell stories and reflect on issues around Seattle that needed to be changed,” said Chi Nguyen, 19. One of Chi’s projects was a photo essay that addressed a lack of lighting on the streets surrounding her house. Chi and other project participants shared their media and concerns with Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien. After the meeting, Chi was able to take necessary steps to fix the lighting on her street.

“Youth voice is important because people listen. It’s not everyday you see a kid speaking out, so Councilmember O’Brien encouraged us to keep it up,” said Kidist Mengitsu, 17.

"The council members need to hear our young voices if they would like to hear what really matters,” said Ephraim Nelson, 15, “it will help prepare for the future and with that, we can make the new generation better.”

As their capstone Take Action project, Seattle United Neighborhoods planned a successful night out event in South Seattle “to give young people something to do.”

"We did lots of blogging and community outreach. I learned that young people can change the community and make it a better world,” said Jordan Chambers, 16.

Jordan and other YTECH participants use Puget, a local social networking site focused on social issues, to share their digital media creations, blog and connect with their peers. Puget is funded in part by the City of Seattle’s Information Technology Department.

"These young people were able to use their creativity and digital media skills to spread awareness about issues that matter most to them, empowering them to choose issues they care about as they become adults.Having an outlet for young people to voice opinions is the best way to engage the next generation in making our communities a better place,” said Colleen McDevitt, YTECH digital literacy instructor.

YTECH is part of Washington state’s Communities Connect Network, a Broadband Technology Opportunity Program grant recipient for 2010-2012. BTOP funds made it possible for YTECH to expand its equipment inventory of laptops and cameras and travel outside of the city limits to offer digital literacy trainings.

"To bridge the digital divide, to be competitive and keep up with our changing economy, we must guide young people in using technology. They must be encouraged to engage in online environments and to create their own pieces of digital media,” said Roni Ayalla, YTECH project coordinator.

Follow more of YTECH’s work at

In the Community

Broadband Literacy in the Menominee Nation


The Building Community Capacity through Broadband (BCCB) program in Wisconsin offers a computer classroom on wheels. These classes provide tribal members of the Menominee Nation with lessons on basic computer and internet skills. This broadband literacy project is part of a partnership between the BCCB project of UW-Extension and the College of Menominee Nation. Check out the video to learn more about the program.

In the Community

Distance Learning in Wisconsin


Schools in northern Wisconsin are using the internet in different classrooms to provide new opportunities to reach all types (and ages) of learners. For example, each teacher in the school district in Superior has a website where students and parents can log online and find out information on assignments and upcoming events. Additionally, through video teleconferencing, The University of Wisconsin-Superior provides distance learning opportunities for adult learners obtaining their degree through a distance learning course of study. Additionally, one-on-one course offerings are available to assist business owners, or aspiring business owners, through an informal classroom setting. Check out the video here to learn more.

In the Community

Business in Wisconsin Increases Customer Service and Sales


A small business automotive repair shop (My Tires) in Platteville, WI uses broadband to increase customer service. Previously, the shop ordered tires over the phone and online ordering has increased business and sales. Check out the video here to learn more.

In the Community

Colorado State Library


The Colorado State Library, operating under the Colorado Board of Education, is creating a culture of technology engagement through its public computer center project, Bridging the Great Digital Divide. The project is designed to improve lives by providing computers, training, and public awareness campaigns in 81 Colorado communities.
Since April 2011, libraries began offering training on topics, such as basic computer skills, job skills, and Internet use. In the first three months, Colorado public computer centers offered more than 260 training classes to nearly 3,000 people. Recently 10 new public computer centers opened in the High Plains Library District. Local community partners also are working with the libraries to host training topics including workforce skills, business 2.0 development, and new immigrant literacy. In addition, the State Library staff developed a technology boot camp and curriculum to help library staff and community volunteers become more proficient in technology.
To further the goal of increasing broadband adoption, the State Library also developed a statewide public awareness campaign to encourage community members to visit the centers, take training classes, and adopt broadband. Libraries throughout the state will participate in the campaign by hosting local launch events with open houses and guest speakers. The State Library staff also developed nationally recognized tools for gathering local statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of training and outreach.
Through the Bridging the Great Digital Divide project, Coloradoans will learn skills, access online education and health information and be able to participate more fully in the digital economy. Community agencies also can now offer training in ways they were not able to do so before, allowing citizens in remote parts of the state to stay connected with regional resources, such as workforce centers, small business development offices, and regional agricultural offices. Resources and opportunities provided by the Colorado State Library’s project can have a lasting impact on communities across the state.


Digital Literacy Project

Net Literacy

Educator resource that believes that many of the best practices of how to effectively approach increasing digital inclusion and digital literacy have already been established by many organizations in other countries all over the world. Works to collect that information and distribute laptops to children.

Library/Reference, Intermediate

Digital Literacy Corps

Net Literacy

An informal national movement of student volunteers that work to increase digital inclusion and broadband adoption.

Advanced, Broadband

Net Literacy Alliance Internet Safety Training Video

Net Literacy Alliance

Safety training video created by Net Literacy student volunteers that’s being used by Indianapolis Public Schools to teach each of the 12,000 high school students receiving netbooks Internet/computer safety.

Educator, Intermediate, Learner, Video

Avoiding "Miracle" Health Claims

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Guide to avoid "miracle" health claims

Intermediate, Health, Tutorials, Content Evaluation

Green ICT Guide


A guide for the purchase, use, and disposal of ICT.

Intermediate, Tutorials

National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL)

National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL)

Created by the American Library Association (ALA) in response to a Presidential committee recommendation in 1989. Recognizes October as National Information Awareness Month and works to promote the visibility of information literacy by collaborating on a variety of activities with a host of organizations, schools, colleges/universities, businesses, and governmental agencies.

Library/Reference, Educator, Intermediate, Literacy

The Beehive

One Economy

A multilingual Web portal that provides low-income individuals web-based tools and information about financial services, education, jobs, health care, and family.

Library/Reference, Intermediate

Google for Educators


Tools for teachers, collaborative space to share ideas and discussion groups.

Educator, Intermediate, Lesson Plans and Curriculum

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

A public-private partnership that offers tools and resources focused on 21st century readiness for every student.

Educator, Advanced, Learner, Lesson Plans and Curriculum, Parent

Google Search Basics


Online search tips using google.

Intermediate, Using the Internet, Learner, Web Searching, Tutorials