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Research Reports

Reports by Year: 2001

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Analysis of Business Formation, Survival, and Attrition Rates of New and Existing Firms and Related Job Flows in Appalachia
October 2001
The Brandow Company
A longitudinal economic analysis of business formation, survival, and attrition rates for new and existing firms.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (2 MB)
An Assessment of Labor Force Participation Rates and Underemployment in Appalachia
August 2001
Bradley, David H., Stephen A. Herzenberg, and Howard Wial
Keystone Research Center
This study provides county-level measures of labor force participation and underemployment rates for the years 1993 to 1998.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (350 KB)
Manufacturing Wage Inequality in the Appalachian Region: 1963–1992
May 2001
Galbraith, James K.
University of Texas
This study examines the inequality in manufacturing pay between manufacturing plants within states and counties of the United States, and compares them to Appalachia.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (2 MB)
A Study on the Current Economic Impacts of the Appalachian Coal Industry and its Future in the Region
March 2001
Berger, Mark and Eric Thompson
University of Kentucky
This study found that, for the 118 Appalachian coal-producing counties, the total economic impact of the coal mining industry output–including the multiplier effect–was $18.4 billion in 1997.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (3.5 MB)
Collected Case Study Evaluations of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Educational Projects (Vol. 2)
March 2001
Westat Corporation
This volume reports the lessons learned from eight best-practice case study evaluations in which local stakeholders were asked to identify project-related lessons they had learned from the projects.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (500 KB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Educational Projects: Final Report (Vol. 1)
March 2001
Westat Corporation
This report evaluated the implementation and impact of 84 education projects funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission during the 1990s.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (900 KB)
Evaluation of the Early Stages of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Entrepreneurship Initiative
March 2001
Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.
This study provided an early evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's entrepreneurship program.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (600 KB)
Handbook for Assessing Economic Opportunities from Appalachian Development Highways
March 2001
Economic Development Research Group, Inc. and Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
This handbook has an accompanying software and worksheet toolkit that helps communities develop baseline economic data on their counties.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (1 MB)