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Publication 1 Your Rights As A TaxpayerPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 1 (SP) Derechos del ContribuyentePDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 5 Your Appeal Rights and How to Prepare a Protest if you Don't AgreePDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 5 (SP) Your Appeal Rights and How to Prepare a Protest if you Don't Agree (Spanish version)PDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 910 IRS Guide to Free Tax ServicesPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 1546 The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS - How to Get Help With Unresolved Tax ProblemsPDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 1546 (SP) The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS - How to Get Help With Unresolved Tax Problems (Spanish version)PDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 3319 Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics Grant Application PackagePDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Publication 4134 Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs)PDF version of this PublicationTopic Screen for this Publication
Links Inside Publications
Publication 17 - Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals) - Your Federal Income Tax
Publication 17 - Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals) - Tax Tables
heading icon Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - IRS Procedures
heading icon Tax Topics
Tax Topic 100
Tax Topic 101
Tax Topic 102
Tax Topic 151
Tax Topic 552
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