Improving the Performance of the Transportation Industry Through Training
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Introduction to Participating in an NHI Training

Interested in participating in a transportation-related training or free Web conference seminars? If so, then look no further! NHI's trainings cover a range of transportation issues and are available in a variety of formats in order to best meet the needs of the transportation community. Additionally, NHI's free Web conference seminars offer valuable training and information at no cost to you.

To view NHI course descriptions or to enroll in a course, please visit the Course Search Engine.

Information on Participating in an NHI Training

Training Options and Topics

Visit the Training Products and Services page to learn about the different types of training and materials that NHI provides.

Visit the NHI Program Areas page to learn about the wide variety of topics that NHI training products cover

The Enrollment Process

When a course session is open to the public, an individual can enroll in the session through the NHI Web site. Online enrollment requires an NHI User ID and password. Follow the simple steps below to sign-up for a session.

  1. Log in.
  2. Use the Course Search Engine to locate a specific course session.
  3. On the search results page, select the shopping cart icon located beside the desired session.
  4. When you have finished selecting your sessions, select Checkout on the submenu bar near the top of the screen.
  5. Follow the steps of the checkout process. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive an order confirmation via e-mail.
    1. If you enrolled in a WBT course, you will be able to access your training immediately through the My Training feature.
    2. If you enrolled in a WCT course, you may also access this course through My Training, but you will need to wait until your training commences before you can start your course.
    3. All ILT courses must be attended in person at the scheduled time. Contact the Local Coordinator listed for your training session for more details on travel, course schedule, and other logistic items.
Special Instructions for FHWA and Host Agency Employees
If you are an FHWA employee and would like to enroll in an ILT, WCT, or WBT:

All NHI training is free for FHWA employees. Please contact your FHWA Training Coordinator to verify that you are permitted to enroll in an NHI Training course.

For ILT Courses
Contact your FHWA Training Coordinator to enroll in an ILT session. When you or your Training Coordinator complete your enrollment, a confirmation e-mail containing the session information will be sent to you.

For WCT and WBT Courses
You must enroll yourself in a WCT or WBT in order to access the training and receive a completion certificate and transcript.

Please follow "The Enrollment Process" information outlined above and log in to the NHI Web site using your UPACS credentials.

If you are an employee of the Hosting Agency and would like to enroll in an ILT:

Please contact the host agency or local coordinator to determine if space is available in the ILT course session.

Payment Information

When checking out, you will be given directions about how to pay for the requested training. NHI accepts the following forms of payment:

For Domestic Customers

Customers in the United States may pay by check, money order, credit card, or electronic check. Checks and money orders must be made payable to the Federal Highway Administration.

International Customers

Cashier's checks, international money orders, and credit cards are accepted forms of payment. Cashier's checks and international money orders must be in U.S. dollars and made payable to the Federal Highway Administration. Special arrangements need to be made for payment via wire transfer and the customer is responsible for paying all related bank fees.

FHWA Staff

All NHI training is free for FHWA employees. Please contact your local FHWA Training Coordinator for more information or to request an enrollment in a specific NHI training session.

How to Access Your Training
For ILT Courses

For all ILT courses, you must attend the course in person at the scheduled time.

For WBT and WCT Courses

For all WBT and WCT courses, your course history should be displayed on the My Training web page under the tab titled My Courses. To launch a course, select the word Launch found in the associated column entitled Launch. After you select the Launch option, the course will automatically open in a new window.

Before launching a WBT or WCT, please be sure to test your computer for Flash Player. Flash Player is necessary for the course to run properly.* You can test your computer for Flash Player by selecting this link:

*This may require the help of your IT support person if Flash needs to be installed.*

Free Web Conference Seminars

NHI Real Solutions
This FREE monthly series features guest speakers presenting case studies on problems or issues they've faced in the field and what steps were taken to solve the problems. Participants are able to ask questions and receive answers. Visit the Real Solutions page to learn more and register for a specific event.

NHI Innovations
Brought to you by Highways for LIFE and NHI, NHI Innovations is a FREE monthly Web conference seminar series that addresses current transportation issues. Visit the Innovations page to learn more and register for a specific event.

More Information

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NHI sends out e-mail updates when a new course is developed and when a new Web conference seminar event becomes available. To be added to the mailing list, please contact

If you'd like to receive automated updates about new NHI courses and activity, please subscribe to our news feed.

Have an Unanswered Question?

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): FAQs Page

Submit Feedback or Questions
Please submit feedback regarding the NHI Web site and services.
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The documents available on this site are for printing purposes only. If you have any problems accessing information on this site, please contact for assistance.