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Getting Along Swimmingly

This CDC Kidtastics podcast helps kids learn how to be safe around water.  

This CDC Kidtastics podcast helps kids learn how to be safe around water. Created: 4/1/2010 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED). Date Released: 4/1/2010. Series Name: CDC Kidtastics.

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Running time = 2:16
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Getting Along Swimmingly

[Announcer] This podcast is brought to you by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC - safer, healthier people.

[Karmen] Hi kids! Welcome to CDC Kidtastics Radio! I'm Karmen Kidtastic. School’s out and the weather’s great. You know what that means!

[Kaya] We get to stay up late!

[Karmen] No- yeah- ok, look, it means we get to go to the pool!

[Kaya] Ohhhhhhh!

[Karmen] And the water park!

[Kids] Yaayyy!

[Karmen] Yeah kids, but before you put on your swimsuit, here are some water tips to help keep you from getting sick or hurt this summer.

[Kids] ONE!

[Caydan] Use 'the buddy system.' Always swim with a friend and make sure an adult, like a parent or lifeguard, is watching all the time to keep you safe.

[Kids] OKAY!!!

[Kids] TWO!

[Chris] Wear lots of sunscreen. Put it on before you go out in the sun and put more on after swimming or playing hard. Your sunscreen should have a 'sun protective factor', or S-P-F, of at least 15. It should also protect against UVA and UVB rays.

[Caydan] Yeah, I don't want to get sunburned.

[Kids] THREE!

[Caydan] Don't go in the water if you have diarrhea. You can spread germs in the water and make other people sick.

[Kids] FOUR!

[Chris] Absolutely don't swallow the pool water on purpose and try not to swallow it by accident.

[Kids} Yuck!!

[Chris]It could have germs in it that can make you sick.

[Kids] FIVE!

[Kaya] Always shower with soap before you get in the water. And remember, wash your hands a lot, especially after you use the bathroom. This will help keep you from passing germs on to others.

[Kids] Eeewww!

[Karmen] Now, you're set to have fun all summer long.

[Kids] Yaayyy!

[Karmen] Tell everyone you know how to stay safe in the water.

[Kids] OK!

[Karmen] Thanks for listening to CDC Kidtastics Radio. We'll talk to you again soon. Until then... be a safer, healthier kid!!

[Announcer] For the most accurate health information, visit or call 1-800-CDC-INFO, 24/7.

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