Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS)

The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), located in Boulder, Colorado, is the research and engineering arm of NTIA. ITS provides core telecommunications research and engineering services to promote:

  • Enhanced domestic competition and new technology deployment
  • Advanced telecommunications and information services
  • Improved foreign trade opportunities for U.S. telecommunication firms
  • More efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum

ITS also serves as a principal Federal resource for investigating the telecommunications challenges of other Federal agencies, state and local governments, private corporations and associations, and international organizations. In particular, this includes assisting Federal public safety agencies, the FCC, and agencies that use Federal spectrum. Current areas of focus include:

  • Research, development, testing, and evaluation to foster nationwide first-responder communications interoperability
  • Test and Demonstration Networks to facilitate accelerated development of standards for emerging communications devices
  • Analysis and resolution of interference issues
  • Development and testing of secure Federal electronic record repositories

ITS Director: Al Vincent



Institute for Telecommunications Sciences
325 Broadway, MC ITS.D
Boulder, CO 80305–3328
(303) 497–5216