Topical Areas

Access to Care

Access to health care improves health status and quality of life.  Today, however, many Americans have inadequate access to care.  This dashboard tracks changes in access to care.

Cost & Affordability

The cost of health care should be affordable to American families, businesses, and taxpayers.  This dashboard reports on trends in health care costs and on the efficiency and competitiveness of the delivery system. 


Health insurance coverage gives Americans and their health providers protection against the financial risk associated with the costs of health care.  This dashboard tracks measures related to insurance coverage and the financial protection it provides.

Health Care Workforce

Access to health services and the quality of those services are closely linked to supply of trained health care providers. Training and retaining primary care providers is particularly important. This dashboard tracks key workforce measures including access to health care providers and the number of primary care providers. 

Health Information Technology

Health information technology allows health care providers to better manage patient care through the secure use and sharing of health information.  This dashboard tracks the use of electronic prescribing and the adoption of electronic health records by physicians and hospitals.


Innovation, knowledge development, and continuous improvement should be fundamental to the U.S. health care system.  This dashboard tracks a set of short, intermediate, and long-term indicators that reflect new ideas, processes, and technologies for improving health outcomes. 

Population Health

The health system should help Americans live longer, healthier lives.  Health risk behaviors are a critical factor in determining people’s health.  This dashboard includes measures of population health outcomes and of critical health risk behaviors.


Prevention is often the most effective way to improve health and control health care costs.  This dashboard tracks preventive interventions that address some of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States.


Americans' health care should be safe, coordinated, evidence-based, responsive to patient preferences, and continuously improving.  This dashboard includes measures that capture multiple dimensions of quality, including outpatient care, inpatient care, and nursing facilities.

Vulnerable Populations

Disparities in health care access and outcomes are widespread.  This dashboard tracks measures associated with health disparities.