Government Agencies and Offices

Did you know that taxpayers in your area can receive up to $5,751 when filling their tax returns and claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit?  Consider the financial boost EITC provides for working people in a recovering econonmy and the impact of that influx of cash to the local economy.  The amazing part is that there are potentially eligible recipients who miss this credit because they don't file a Federal tax return!

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable federal income tax credit for low to moderate income workers. Congress originally approved the tax credit legislation in 1975 in part to offset the burden of social security taxes and to provide an incentive to work. When EITC exceeds the amount of taxes owed, it results in a tax refund to those who claim and qualify for the credit. To qualify, taxpayers must meet certain requirements and file a tax return, even if they  owe no tax or do not have a filing requirement. 

Your constitutents earned their EITC. Tell them to claim it and get it.

Please consider any communication vehicles you have to inform your constitutents about this important credit. Here are some examples and additional resource to help:

  • Find out how many claimed EITC in your area last year and the amount of cash brought in the economy on our State by State EITC Statistics page. (There is also a link to the Brookings Institute EITC interactive database where you can display and download ZIP code-level tax return information for states, metro areas, counties, cities, and state legislative and congressional districts for multiple years.)



 Find EITC Awareness Day information here.











Last updated: 12/6/11