Global Precipitation Analysis
Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

. Microwave satellite overpass time history
. Global Real-Time 3-Hourly Precipitation Analysis of TRMM DATA
. Global Monthly Merged Precipitation Analyses of GPCP ( 1979-present)
. Global Daily Merged Precipitation Analyses of the GPCP (1997-present)
. Monthly and Pentad SSM/I-based Precipitation Analyses using GPROF6
. ENSO Precipitation Analyses (Research and Monitoring)
  . Precipitation patterns in the tropical Pacific over the last 12 months
Latest Gprof Image and Gprof Anomaly Images

The precipitation research groups in the Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes (Code 612) have constructed a number of data sets containing estimates of precipitation which are available at this site. Some estimates are sufficiently well developed that other researchers can find the data and associated products useful. Potential users are urged to pay careful attention to the differences among the data sets and to check back for updates to the data sets. Questions should be directed to the data set originators. All local binary data sets are held in Silicon Graphics (big endian) format.

Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP)
Monthly Data Pentad DataDaily Data3-Hourly DataClimatology
Link to Monthly GPCP Summaries  no data Link to Daily GPCP Data Summaries
no data Link to GPCP Climatology Summaries
Link to Monthly GPCP data  Link to THE NCEP DATA REPOSITORY ftp site Link to Daily Data
no data Link to GPCP Climatology data
Link to Monthly GPCP Images no data Link to Daily GPCP Images  no data Link to GPCP Climatology Images

Goddard Profiling Algorithm (Derived from SSMI)
Monthly Data Pentad DataOrbit Data3-Hourly DataClimatology
no data Link to  GPROF Pentad   Summaries
Link to  GPROF Orbit Data Summaries
no data no data
no data Link to GPROF Daily Data
Link to GPROF Orbit Data
no data no data
Link to Latest Monthly GPROF Image  Link to Latest Pentad GPROF Image   no data no data no data

Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission ( TRMM )
Monthly Data Pentad Data3-Hourly DataNear-Real-TimeClimatology
Link to Monthly TRMM Summaries  no data Link to 3-hourly TRMM Summaries  Link to Near-Real-Time Summary  no data
Link to Monthly TRMM data  no data Link to Monthly TRMM data  Link to Near-Real-Time data  no data
Link to monthly average images no data no data Link to Daily GPCP Images  no data

Link to El Nino data


Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Scott Braun

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