According to MajaStevanovich

News and views on what matters to me: mindfulness, leadership, public relations, marketing, social media, pop culture and every now and then I will surprise you with something else.

University of Chicago establishes Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge

original article $10 million gift from University Trustee Steve G. Stevanovich to support new research institute Seldom do we question what we know—what we accept as facts, and how such … Continue reading

July 11, 2016 · Leave a comment

Put on your own mask before assisting others

You know what I am talking about. You’ve heard it every time you take that flight, “please put on your oxygen mask first before assisting a child.” There is some … Continue reading

April 21, 2015 · Leave a comment

Do you have my back?

Loyalty.  Kindness.  Doing the right thing. What do those things even mean today? In our fast paced, profit obsessed world, this notion of having your friends’, employees’ bosses’ or customer’s … Continue reading

March 30, 2015 · Leave a comment

Why Good Judgement is the Ultimate Social Media Skill

The question always comes, up…if you had to name the one must-have skill set for a social media practitioner what would it be? The answer is simple, good judgement. This is … Continue reading

March 5, 2015 · Leave a comment

With social media matters, is younger always better?

  With the emergence of Snapchat, Instagram and Vine and a supposed “death” of Twitter & Facebook we are seeing a lot of brands “hiring” young influencers to bring them … Continue reading

January 18, 2014 · 4 Comments

No privacy control can save you from bad judgement

  The unfortunate situation of Justine Sacco has been talked to death at this point. She isn’t the first or last person that will be fired over a bad tweet … Continue reading

December 23, 2013 · 1 Comment

What will happen when all the social platforms start to do the same thing?

  Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right? Social media platforms are starting to really take that approach to heart, especially with the latest Instagram vs SnapChat news, … Continue reading

December 18, 2013 · Leave a comment