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Programs & Resources
Cancer Biomarkers Research Group

Funding Opportunities

Program Announcements

Title Announcement # Expiration Date
Biomarkers of Infection-Associated Cancers PA-11-158 (R01)
PA-11-159 (R21)
May 08, 2014
Mitochondria in Cancer Epidemiology, Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis PA-11-073 (R01)
PA-11-074 (R21)
January 08, 2014
Exploratory Studies in Cancer Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis PA-08-267 (R21) September 08, 2012
Exfoliated Cells and Circulating DNA in Cancer Detection and Diagnosis PA-09-238 (R21) September 08, 2012
Identifying Non-coding RNA Targets for Cancer Early Detection and Prevention PA-09-199 (R01)
PA-09-200 (R21)
September 08, 2012
Biomarkers for Early Detection of Hematopoietic Malignancies PA-09-197 (R01)
PA-09-198 (R21)
September 08, 2012

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Cancer Biomarkers Research Portfolio

Search the NCI-Funded Research Portfolio for projects supported by the Division of Cancer Prevention. Use the Advanced Search to choose Division of Cancer Prevention and a topic or program director name.

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IMAT Request for Applications

The Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) Program, which is aimed at the development and integration of novel and emerging technologies in the support of cancer research, diagnosis, and treatment, now encompasses an array of 12 closely related Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). Each FOA is segregated based on program and type of funding mechanism. The IMAT Program comprises the following three related thematic components which are described below and at the IMAT website in further depth. To learn more about IMAT Funding opportunities (R21, R33, SBIR and STTR applications) please visit

Innovative Technologies for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer
IMAT funding opportunities are designed to encourage applications from individuals and groups interested in developing novel technologies suitable for the molecular analysis of cancers and their host environment in support of basic, clinical, and epidemiological research.

Applications of Emerging Technologies for Cancer Research
Emerging Technologies funding opportunities are intended to support projects to evaluate the usefulness of emerging technologies in appropriate biological contexts in order to assess reproducibility and produce preliminary data toward a biological or clinical question.

Innovations in Cancer Cell Preparations.
Sample preparation methods and technologies may be developed for sample collection, processing, isolation, storage, purification, preservation, and, in the case of stored tissues, reversal of adverse events resulting from storage and preservation.

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EDRN Associate Membership Program

Applications are also accepted for becoming an Associate Member of NCI's Early Detection Research Network. For details visit the EDRN Associate Membership Program.

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