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Democracy and Human Rights

Human Rights Linked to Economic Growth and Security, Clinton Says

Clinton said there are few things repressive governments fear more than citizens banding together with a common purpose. Photo: ©AP Images

Clinton said there are few things repressive governments fear more than citizens banding together with a common purpose. Photo: ©AP Images

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said religious freedom, the right to free use of the Internet, the ability to participate in civil society groups and the need to respect and protect the rights of women and girls are four “frontlines” in the modern struggle to expand human rights around the world. Speaking at Dublin City University in Ireland December 6, Clinton said human rights are “at the center of some of the most significant challenges to global security and stability,” and their promotion “must remain a central goal of those of us who believe in the dignity of every person.” Read the full article.

U.S.-EU Highlights

Secretary Clinton gave remarks with European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton After Their Meeting on July 21, 2011. Photo: ©AP Images

Secretary Clinton gave remarks with European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton After Their Meeting on July 21, 2011. Photo: ©AP Images

Secretary Clinton, EU’s Ashton Focus on North Africa Events 

"Despite promising dialogue and promises of change, the Syrian Government has responded to the people’s peaceful protests with more violence, more arrests, and more intimidation. These assaults must stop. Neither the Syrian people nor the international community will accept half-measures or lofty speeches. We call on the regime immediately to halt its campaign of violence, pull its security forces back from Hama and other cities, and allow the Syrian people to express their opinions freely so that a genuine transition to democracy can take place." said Secretary Clinton on July 11, 2011. "We also discussed our shared commitment to support the democratic transitions underway in Egypt and Tunisia. As I said at the Community of Democracies in Lithuania, established democracies have a responsibility to help those emerging find their footing. So we are working together to help Egyptians and Tunisians begin the slow, hard work of building sustainable democracies rooted in guaranteed human rights, accountable institutions, and the rule of law." Read the full remarks.