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U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
- Update on the planning of PEPFAR-supported Public Health Evaluation (PHE) studies (August 2008)
- PEPFAR Policy Change in Food and Nutrition Programming (October 2007)
- USAID Title II Food Aid Programs and PEPFAR: HIV and Food Security Conceptual Framework (Sept. 2007)
- Indicators Reference Guide for Focus Countries and All Bilateral Programs (Updated July 2007)
- Policy Guidance on the Use of Emergency Plan Funds to Address Food and Nutrition Needs (Sept 2006)
- Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Programming Guidance (July 2006)
- Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Adults #1 (April 2006)
- Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers #1 (April 2006)
- HIV Prevention among Drug Users Guidance #1: Injection Heroin Use (March 2006)
- HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Guidance#1 (February 2006)
- ABC Guidance #1 (Abstinence, Be Faithful, and correct and consistent Condom use)
- General Policy Guidance for All Bilateral Programs


Update on the planning of PEPFAR-supported Public Health Evaluation (PHE) studies (August 2008)
--    Update on the planning of PEPFAR-supported Public Health Evaluation (PHE) studies

PEPFAR Policy Change in Food and Nutrition Programming (October 2007)
--    PEPFAR Policy Change in Food and Nutrition Programming
--    PEPFAR Policy Change in Food and Nutrition Programming - PDF

USAID Title II Food Aid Programs and PEPFAR: HIV and Food Security Conceptual Framework (Sept. 2007)
--    USAID P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid Programs and The President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief: HIV and Food Security Conceptual Framework
--    USAID P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid Programs and The President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief: HIV and Food Security Conceptual Framework - PDF

Indicators Reference Guide for Focus Countries and All Bilateral Programs (Updated July 2007)
--    Indicators Reference Guide FY2007 Reporting/FY2008 Planning - PDF

Policy Guidance on the Use of Emergency Plan Funds to Address Food and Nutrition Needs (Sept 2006)
--    Policy Guidance on the Use of Emergency Plan Funds to Address Food and Nutrition Needs
--    Policy Guidance on the Use of Emergency Plan Funds to Address Food and Nutrition Needs - PDF

Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Programming Guidance (July 2006)
--    Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Programming Guidance
--    Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Programming Guidance - PDF

Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Adults #1 (April 2006)
--    Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Adults #1
--    Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Adults #1 - PDF

Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers #1 (April 2006)
--    Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers #1
--    Guidance for a Preventive Care Package for Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers #1 - PDF

HIV Prevention among Drug Users Guidance #1: Injection Heroin Use (March 2006)
--    HIV Prevention among Drug Users Guidance #1: Injection Heroin Use (March 2006)
--    HIV Prevention among Drug Users Guidance #1: Injection Heroin Use (March 2006) - PDF

HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Guidance#1 (February 2006)
--    HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Guidance#1
--    HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Guidance#1 - PDF

ABC Guidance #1 (Abstinence, Be Faithful, and correct and consistent Condom use)
--    Introduction
--    Defining the ABC Approach
--    Implementing the ABC Approach
--    Appendix: Determining the Appropriate Mix of ABC Interventions
--    ABC Guidance #1 References
--    ABC Guidance #1 - Abstinence, Be Faithful, and correct and consistent Condom use (PDF)

General Policy Guidance for All Bilateral Programs
--    Background
--    Adherence to Emergency Plan Policy
--    Collaboration with the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
--    Coordinated Programming Across USG Agencies
--    Relationship to Host Country Strategies
--    Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Technical Interventions
--    Accountability and Focus On Results
--    Communication and Support Strategy
--    Reporting and Documentation
--    Timeline
--    Appendix 1: FY 05 Country Funding Levels (Aggregate Totals)
--    Appendix 2: Countries of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
--    General Policy Guidance for All Bilateral Programs (PDF)

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and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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