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Telework Dashboards

Dashboards provide managers with timely, accurate and comprehensive telework performance and participation metrics in order to analyze the effectiveness of telework. The publishing of these dashboards introduces transparency to telework participation, encouraging collaboration and sharing of telework best practices among regions and programs within an overarching organization. It also provides the information needed to meet the reporting requirements of the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010.

GSA is a leader in implementing and utilizing dashboards to track the efficiency of telework at the agency.

GSA has created telework dashboards to create agency-wide transparency of telework data and to ensure that telework is properly accounted for across the agency - and to measure the agency's successes. In accordance with the Telework Enhancement Act, GSA's Program Management Office's (PMO) Measurement Tranche partnered with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) to develop telework dashboards.

Managers across the GSA nation can use the metrics embedded within the interactive dashboards to compare how their region or service is performing, and reach out to employees who are both performing well and not as well to get insights, exchange best practices, and mitigate any challenges in meeting their organizations' goals.

All of the information represented on the dashboards is important to share with employees, as it demonstrates how GSA is reducing commuting costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and could encourage employees who have not yet teleworked to do so. Moreover, the dashboards can be linked to regional or service-based internal websites at GSA, such that the information can be used as a topic of discussion between managers and employees.

Measuring Productivity

An important goal is to be able to measure productivity gains that are the result of a implementing flexible work environment.

Coming Soon: A preview of Telework Dashboards 2.0, using GSA monthly and annual data to demonstrate the agency’s ability to visually display the current telework rates and associated environmental, economic and social savings. The monthly metrics track telework rates via employees’ remote access login information, sorting participation rates by GSA region, and aligning those rates with estimated commuter savings. The annual metrics align telework participation rates to the agency’s OPM employee survey and Q12 Employee Engagement survey results, among others. GSA will soon provide more information on how to understand the benefits of dashboards to your organization and how to implement them at your agency or company.

Telework,mobile work,mobile,telecommute,