Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders


Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders are five-to-six-week academic programs for foreign undergraduate leaders. Hosted by U.S. academic institutions throughout the United States, the Student Leader Institutes include an intensive academic component, an educational tour of other regions of the country, local community service activities and a unique opportunity for participants to get to know their American peers. 

Qualified students can participate in one of the following institutes:

  • Civic Engagement
  • Comparative Public Policy
  • Global Environmental Issues
  • New Media in Journalism
  • Public Policy and Government Leadership
  • Religious Pluralism in the United States
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • U.S. History and Government
  • Women’s Leadership

Program Length

5-6 weeks

Eligibility and Application Overview

Prospective participants should contact the Public Affairs office of their local U.S. Embassy for up-to-date information about 2013 institutes. U.S. Embassies manage the nomination of candidates, as well as organize participants' travel to the U.S. In some countries, candidates may also be selected by a binational Fulbright Commission.

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