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About Us


The United States Mission in Spain comprises the American Embassy in Madrid and the Consulate General of the United States in Barcelona. The many agencies of the United States Government that constitute the Mission work as a team to advance American interests and promote relations between the American and Spanish governments and people. They shape and carry out American relations with Spain, have an active public diplomacy program, provide consular services to American citizens and visa services to citizens of other countries who wish to visit or who qualify to immigrate to the United States, and promote trade and investment between our two countries. They work with Spanish counterparts to protect shared political, economic, and security interests through multilateral organizations including NATO, the United Nations, and a host of other important bodies. They work closely with the Spanish government on such issues as Bosnia, the Middle East, and European security.

Officials of the Department of State oversee traditional diplomacy and provide consular services in Madrid and Barcelona. Commerce Department representatives in Madrid are available to American exporters who wish to increase their activity in the Spanish market, and officials of the Department of Agriculture at the Embassy in Madrid offer similar services to their clients. The Public Affairs Section in Madrid and Barcelona welcome public and press inquiries about every aspect of the United States and work to foster mutual understanding through exchanges of persons and ideas and by administering educational and cultural programs. The Documentation Service provides reference and documentation services, using printed and electronic sources.

What can we do for you? We invite you to explore our Web site to find out, and then to be in contact with us directly.

   Embassy of the Unites States of America
   Serrano 75
   28006 Madrid, Spain
   Telephone: +34 91 587-2200
   Fax: +34 91 587-2303
   (Within Spain use phone numbers without 34)