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Keyword Search Results For: "absentee"

  1. ACOM POC Listing
    ACOM POC Listing Soldier Programs and Services Division, Soldier Programs Branch, Voting Assistance Officer Listing 2012-2013 COMMAND ARMY IVAOs Commands Contacts TRADOC E-mail AMC E-mail or E-mail FORSCOM E-mail USARPAC E-mail USAREUR E-mail EUSA-Ko...
    12/26/2012 1:32:48 PM

  2. Instructions for Ordering Voting Materials
    Instructions for Ordering Voting Materials Ordering voting materials Voting materials can be ordered using the nomenclatures below at this website: https://dol.hqda.pentagon.mil/ptclick/index.aspx MISC PUB 360-02, 2012-2013 VOTING ASSISTANCE GUIDE MI...
    12/26/2012 1:33:47 PM

  3. Voting
    Voting Army Voting It's a Freedom You Defend - VOTE! Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. - Franklin D. Roosevelt The ignorance o...
    1/25/2013 2:34:42 PM

  4. Voting Assistance Policies
    Voting Assistance Policies Soldier Programs and Services Division, Soldier Programs Branch, Army Voting Milper Message Number 10-323 (This is currently the only Voting Assistance Policy)...
    8/27/2012 3:40:07 PM

  5. Voting Memorandums
    Voting Memorandums Soldier Programs and Services Division, Soldier Programs Branch, Army Voting Memorandum: 2010 - 2011 Army Voting Action Plan Guidance Implementing Voting Assistance Programs Memorandum June 11, 2010: Command Emphasis - Army Forces ...
    12/26/2012 1:24:34 PM