Press Releases

Rep. Young Statement on President Obama's Gun Control Announcement

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Washington, D.C., Jan 16 -

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Alaskan Congressman Don Young today released the following statement after President Obama announced his gun control plan: 

“I have serious concerns with the statements made today by President Obama and take issue with the President's call for banning aesthetically altered rifles and shotguns and certain magazines. 

“This is a dangerous limitation on a family's ability to defend itself in the event they’re threatened. Perhaps in cities where the police response time tends to be more rapid, it is easy to forget how important a firearm is to keeping loved ones safe. However, in rural America where law enforcement is many miles away, a semi-automatic weapon could mean the difference between life and death. 

“However, I am encouraged that the Administration will take measures to improve lacking law enforcement protocols designed to prevent those with mental illness from obtaining weapons. As a former educator, I appreciate promised efforts to provide our nation's educators, first responders, and law enforcement with proper training for active school shooters, while also providing incentives for schools to hire school resource officers. 

“I continue to meet with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to discuss ways to address mental health, and keep guns out of the hands of madmen, all without infringing on responsible gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.”


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