
  History and Lineage

The history of the present day Maxwell Composite Squadron (charter number 01032) is really the story of four different units combining into the present organization.  However, strictly speaking in lineage terms, the Maxwell Composite Squadron (01032) traces its lineage thus:  
Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) established in Montgomery, Alabama.  Training was held at Dannelley Field.
It is not known when the Maxwell Cadet Squadron (01016) was activated.  However, documentation does date back to 20 Apr 76, when the unit's mailing address was in Montgomery; first on Crescent Circle then at Shenandoah Drive.

   11 Dec 76 

Dannelley Field Composite Squadron (01100) activated in Montgomery, Alabama.  Meetings were held in Building 1102 on Dannelley Field on Thursdays, 1930 and the unit was commanded by Major Carl J. Bahner.
   01 May 79 Members of the Dannelley Field Composite Squadron (01100) transferred to Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) upon deactivation of that unit. 
    08 Feb 80 Gunter Cadet Squadron (01105) activated on Gunter AFB, Montgomery, Alabama.  Meetings were held at the Gunter Chapel Annex Room 3 Tuesdays at 1830.  SM Stephen J. Bernier was the unit commander.
    26 Mar 80 01105 moved to Building 322 on Gunter AFB and moved their meetings to Wednesdays at 1830.
    01 Jul  80 Change of Command (01105) to Senior Member Alfred J. Perez  vice SM Bernier.
         Jul  80 2nd Lt Larry J. Cormier named Commander of Maxwell Cadet Squadron.
         Oct 80 Change of Command (01016) to Lt Col Norman W. Pinney, Jr. vice 2nd Lt. Cormier.
        Dec 80 2nd Lt Larry J. Cormier was again named squadron commander, replacing Lt Col Pinney after barely a month.
    15 Dec 80 Cadets of the Gunter Cadet Squadron (01105) were transferred to the Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) upon deactivation of their unit after less than a year of operation. 
    13 Mar 81 Change of Command (01032) to Capt James Bryan vice 2nd Lt Charles B. Diem. 
        Dec 81 Maj Jessie Watt named commander of 01016, leaving that post when the unit was deactivated 31 Dec 82.
26-30 Dec 81 Cadets from the Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron representing Southeast Region, took 2nd Place at the National Cadet Competition.
26-30 Dec 82 Cadets representing Southeast Region, this time from Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron, took 2nd Place at National Cadet Competition.
      27 Dec 82 A major reorganization was initiated in Alabama Wing, resulting in the combining of two unit: the Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) and the Maxwell Cadet Squadron (01016).
Change of unit designation from Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) to Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron (01032).
Change of Command to Col Robert M. Dorning vice Capt Bryan.
Meetings moved to Building 1215, Maxwell AFB, Mondays at 1900.
      01 Jan 83 Maxwell Cadet Squadron (01016) deactivated and all assets, personnel, and equipment transferred to the newly designated Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron (01032).
The Montgomery ANG Composite Squadron (01032) moved in to Building 1215 on Maxwell AFB, (the meeting facilities of the Maxwell Cadet Squadron ((01016)), changed its name and began meeting Mondays at 1900 in its new home.
      31 Jan 83 Change of Command to Col Richard J. Curran vice Col Robert M. Dorning.  Meeting time was changed to 1830.
      01 Jul 85 Change of Command to Maj Warren R. Mitchell vice Col Curran.
Meeting time changed back to 1900.
     10 Jun 87 Change of Command to Lt Col Clyde Maddox vice Maj Mitchell.
      Unknown Change of Command to Maj Warren R. Mitchell vice Lt Col Maddox.
      31 Jul 89 Change of Command to Lt Col James A. Mowbray vice Maj Mitchell. 
     30 Aug 93 Change of unit designation to Maxwell AFB Cadet Squadron (01032) vice Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron (01032).  Major Edward J. Wilson, Jr. assumed command from an unknown predecessor.
     01 Feb 94 Training moved to Alabama Wing Headquarters, Building 1208, 810 Willow Street, Maxwell AFB.
     01 Jul 94 Training moved to Building 1211 Willow Street, Maxwell AFB.
    29 Sep 94 Change of Command to Lt Col John A. Emerson vice Maj Wilson.
    01 Jan 95 Change of unit designation to Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron (01032) vice Maxwell AFB Cadet Squadron (01032)
Change of Command to Maj Edward D. Brown vice Lt Col Emerson.
     Meetings were moved to 1830 vice 1900.
    22 Jan 97 Change of Command to Maj Sidney G. Garcia vice Maj Brown.
    10 Oct 97 Change of unit designation to Maxwell Composite Squadron (01032) vice Maxwell AFB Composite Squadron (01032).
    28 Sep 98 Change of Command to Capt Christopher Melcher vice Maj Garcia.
    06 Nov 00 Change of Command to 1st Lt Warren Whitby III vice Capt Melcher.
    01 Nov 02 Change of Command to 1st Lt Tommy Lee, Sr.  vice Lt. Whitby.
    01 Nov 04 Change of Command to 1st Lt Frank Sullivan vice Capt Tommy Lee
    01 Feb 06 Change of Command to Lt Col John Chilstrom vice Lt Sullivan
    22 Jan 07 Change of Command to Lt Lee Hamilton viceLt Col John Chilstrom 

   Cadet Commanders included:
   C/LtCol Jason Brown                                                      August 1997-August 1998
   C/LtCol Timothy Spink                                                    August 1998-August 1999
   C/1stLt  Matthew Holladay                                              August 1999-June 2000
   C/Maj    James Davis                                                      June 2000-October 2000
   C/Maj    Ed Gaston                                                          October 2000-June 2002
   C/2ndLt Misty Walls                                                        June 2002-January 2003
   C/2ndLt Sasha Goeringer                                               January 2003-June 2003
   C/Capt   Jeremiah Almosara                                          September 2003-June 2004
   C/Lt Chris Kyser                                                            November 2006
If you were the cadet commander for the Maxwell Composite Squadron, or one of its parent units, please contact Capt Barry Spink and provide him with information on your time of service.


   In 2001, our squadron was notified of its third unit citation award!

  In 2002, Maxwell Composite Squadron was named Alabama Wing's Squadron of Merit for the fifth time:  

  Maxwell Composite Squadron has twice been named a Unit of Distinction.

   Maxwell Composite Squadron participated in the Aerospace Education Excellence Programs in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2004.