Press Releases

Rep. Young Introduces Legislation Strengthening Vocational Programs

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Washington D.C., Jul 14, 2011 -

Washington, D.C. – Alaskan Congressman Don Young reintroduced the Public-Private Vocational Partnership Act today which aims to strengthen vocational education programs. Specifically, this legislation would create a tax credit for businesses that either donate equipment to vocational education programs or host an intern as part of an educational training program approved by a college or school.

“With less than half of Alaskan high school students pursuing four-year degrees, vocational education is crucially important to our state,” said Rep. Young.  “Vocational education provides an alternative for many young adults who are interested in learning a specific trade and gives them the skills necessary to be successful.  Industry such as resource development is the backbone of Alaska’s economy, and the need for skilled and dependable men and women will always be strong. This legislation partners the public and private sectors together to ensure trained workers and success in the workplace.”  

Over 5 million students enroll in a vocational education program each year – about one third of high school graduates.



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