Funding for Special   Communities

Drug Discovery in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

The drug discovery program for diabetes, endocrine and metabolic diseases supports/promotes:

a) Interdisciplinary activities and resources that increase understanding of physiological and pathophysiological processes relevant to therapeutic development in diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders.

b) Research that seeks the elucidation of molecular structures or biological pathways that may lead to the identification and validation of targets that can be potentially manipulated by ligands/inhibitors. “Druggable” molecular targets/pathways.

c) Research of the potential bioavailability of compounds, the ability to modulate selectively the function of drug discovery targets, and the ability to translate biological endpoints of preclinical research to the clinic showing high potential for success in later stage drug development.

d) Development of high throughput assays based on biologic pathways likely involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications that could be used to screen molecular libraries for novel therapeutic agents.

e) Research that seeks the discovery of new mechanisms of action for therapeutics used for diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders; and the development and validation of disease models to evaluate novel therapeutics for these disorders.

For more information, contact Dr. Aaron Pawlyk , Director, Pharmacogenomics and Drug Discovery Program.

Resources for Researchers

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Funding for Special Communities


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Page last updated: February 15, 2013

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