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Featuring Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

 Dr. Griffin Rodgers

For information about Dr. Rodgers, see his biography.

Could You Have Prediabetes?

Broadcast Dates: Monday, October 15-Sunday, October 21
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Could you have prediabetes? If you are 45 years or older, overweight, or inactive, the answer is yes you could.
Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at NIH.

If you have prediabetes, you can take steps to prevent or delay getting type 2 diabetes. While most people with prediabetes don’t have any symptoms, your doctor can find out with a simple blood test.

If you do have prediabetes, research has proven that you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by losing just a modest amount of weight. If you weigh 200 pounds, losing 10 to 14 pounds could do the trick. Here are some keys to success:

  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity, like a brisk walk, on most days.
  • At meals, make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
  • And cut back on calories.

For links to prediabetes, follow us on Twitter @healthymoments. This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers.

Page last updated: October 14, 2012

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