Dr. Lakshmanan Sankaran

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Current Position:
Scientific Review Administrator

Dr. Lakshmanan Sankaran received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, working on the chemical synthesis of benzyl isothiocyanates and related compounds, thiamine analogs and evaluation of their antimicrobial and antivaccinia activities and mechanisms of action. He came to the United States for his postdoctoral work at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, where his work involved studies on the regulation of puromycin biosynthesis and secondary metabolism in streptomyces, regulation of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism and isolation and characterization of molecules involved in chick embryo hepatocyte cell adhesion. He came to the NIDDK Intramural Division as a staff fellow, and continued as an expert and chemist before moving to the Review Branch. His work in intramural research involved evaluating the role of hormones in the development and differentiation of mammary glands and purification and characterization of somatostatin like peptides from spinach. Dr. Sankaran has publications in many leading journals.  He joined the Review Branch as a Technical Information Specialist in 1991 and has been a Scientific Review Administrator since 1993.  Dr. Sankaran has served as a board member of the Extramural Associates Program and received the NIDDK Director’s Award for “sustained and significant contributions to NIDDK’s peer review activities.”

Page last updated: January 01, 0001

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