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Asia Forum is the primary venue for interdisciplinary discourse on matters related to Asia/Pacific studies at the Untied States Naval Academy. It functions as the link among the Naval Academy's vibrant group of faculty members in various departments with Asia/Pacific teaching and research portfolios. But more importantly, it is also a marketplace of ideas for scholars and Midshipmen. For these purposes, through its frequently held lecture series and other forms of events such as film series, Asia Forum hosts nationally and internationally renowned scholars to provide cutting edge research and insights on matters vital to the interest of the Brigade of Midshipmen and the USNA community. Asia Forum is supported by, and reports to, the office of the Academic Dean and Provost.

You can contact Asia Forum at 410-293-6283 or by e-mail to

Asia Forum Thanks USNA's Class of 1993 for Its Generous Support.

Collage of Asia-related photos


Edward Marolda, "The U.S. 7th Fleet and the Shaping of Modern East Asia," 0900-1030, Feb. 9, 102 Rickover Hall

Edward Luttwak, "The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy" 1000-1130, Jan. 26, 102 Rickover Hall

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